Simple and delicious salads in Vietnamese style

Vietnamese cuisine, simple, healthy, spicy and spicy, is characterized by the use of various original traditional sauces, rice, fruits and vegetables, as well as fragrant herbs that grow in the region.

Vietnamese salads are an excellent idea for a party, they are simple and, one might say, brilliant. Taking care of the figure you can absolutely calmly eat similar dishes, they are harmonious and perfectly balanced.

Usually in Vietnam, salads are served at the beginning of the meal. There are many recipes for various traditional salads, but in practice the simplest, and remarkable, Vietnamese food culture is used. It is not difficult to prepare such salads. Untypical for the post-Soviet table products can be bought in specialized shops, supermarket departments or in Asian markets in major cities. Here are some recipes.

Vietnamese salad with squid


Ingredients for refueling:


Squid carcasses are scalded with boiling water and cleaned of films and cartilage. Boil them in salted water for 3 minutes, no more, cool and cut into rings (more precisely - spirals) or straws. Shred thin cabbage, and sweet peppers and onions cut into short straws. Finely chop the greens.

Garlic and hot pepper is used in a mortar. Add soy sauce, sesame oil and fish sauce. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Serve with rice.

Simple salad with fried pork and rice noodles



Peeled onions, cut into quarter rings and fry in a pan on high heat. Meat cut into thin, short strips across the fibers and add to the frying pan. Fry all together until a beautiful shade and mouth-watering smell, actively stirring with a shovel and shaking the frying pan.

Rice short noodles are put in a bowl and poured with steep boiling water. After 3 minutes, drain the water (you can throw it back in a colander). Greens, hot red pepper and garlic chopped finely. All the ingredients are mixed in a salad bowl and seasoned with a mixture of soy sauce and lime juice.

Salad with chicken and green papaya


Chicken meat cut into strips and boil for 25-30 minutes with onions and spices. Let's extract the meat from the broth. Papaya or mango is cut, we remove the seeds (bone) and cut into thin, slender slices, and the sweet pepper - with short straws. Narubim the greenery. We mix these ingredients in a salad bowl. Let's add a sesame seed.

Sharp pepper and garlic chop as much as possible finely or in a mortar in a mortar. Add to the garlic and pepper soy and fish sauce, sesame butter and lime juice. Fill the salad and let it stand for 20 minutes. Our light salad with chicken is ready!

To Vietnamese salads it is good to serve alcoholic drinks on the basis of rice, fruit wines, grape classic French wines or special strong wines.

If you are interested in other similar recipes, we suggest to try salads in the Mexican style , it is also not less tasty and sharp.