Duck Legs - recipe

If you are not yet ready to swing a whole duck stuffed with apples, or a quiet family dinner does not involve having guests, start with small - duck legs or breasts. How to cook duck leg? Just like the chicken legs: they can be stewed, fried, but it's best to bake in the oven. Duck meat is tender, dense, it is juicier and fatter than a chicken, and it is almost impossible to "dry" it during cooking.

Duck leg in the oven - recipe


For a dish:

For sauce:


We prepare duck legs for baking. We cut off excess fat, carefully cut the skin of several places, trying not to damage the meat. So the fat will be easier to heat up and a crusty crust is formed.

Well rubbed the legs with a mixture of salt, pepper and thyme, wrapped in a food film and we stand for a couple of hours at room temperature, and it is better to put it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

After the foot rinse in cold water, dry with a paper towel. We put in the brazier and put it for 2 hours in the oven, heated to 150 degrees. Duck legs are best baked for a long time on a small fire, so this is a recipe for the patient and not very hungry. On the second hour of cooking, several times grease the legs with fat from the bottom of the brazier.

For the sauce, mix in a blender 2/3 cup raspberries, orange juice and zest, vinegar, wine, sugar. The resulting puree is wiped through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Finely cut the garlic and lightly fry it on the duck fat (no more than a minute!), We introduce it to the raspberry-orange mixture.

The sauce is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for several minutes, stirring constantly until it loses about a third in volume and slightly thickens. Add whole berries of raspberries, boil for another half-minute, salt, pepper, remove from heat.

We pour the sauce over the baked duck legs. The garnish should be very simple, neutral. Best is a light green salad.

Duck legs with apples



Cut off the excess fat from the legs, salt, pepper, sprinkle with rosemary. We wrap it in food film and pick it for several hours. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We cut the skin on the legs in several places, put them into shape. Fill the space with quarters of apples. Cover with foil and bake for about an hour.

We take out the roast from the oven, pour it on the top with a separated fat and send it back to the stove for half an hour - brown (no foil already).

We serve duck leg with baked apples, mashed potatoes and cowberry sauce. Incredibly delicious!