Self-massage for weight loss

Many people ask themselves: is it possible to lose weight without strict diets and exhausting sports. Can. A vivid example of this - self - massage for weight loss. Its main advantage is the restoration of the lymphatic system of the body, which, in turn, restores subcutaneous fat and improves metabolism.

How to do massage for weight loss?

Self-massage for weight loss should consist of not less than 7 sessions. And the break between them should not be more than a day. It is believed that for a greater effect massage is best done by hands, without using improvised means, for example, a stiff washcloth or special massage.

When massaging different parts of the body, it is worth remembering several rules.

For example, manual massage for weight loss in the hips should be performed in a sitting position. We put one foot on the floor, put the other along the sofa and massage it. Massage for a slender waist is made only in a standing position, so as not to touch the vital organs with sharp movements.

But on the question of how to make a massage for weight loss in the chest - it is worth considering. The mammary glands are very tender, and therefore any strong pressure on them can lead to mechanical injuries and bruises. The correct position - sitting on a chair and straightening his chin. The massage starts from the top down - from the clavicles to the chin. But do not overdo it - no more than 4-5 repetitive movements for one session.

Types of self-massage for weight loss

Honey massage for weight loss of the abdomen is a very common and simple procedure. Useful properties of honey do not allow to doubt its "need": it absorbs and quickly removes toxins from the body and removes excess fat, cleanses the pores. Therefore after such massage the skin becomes smooth and gentle. This session is limited to 10 minutes. The main actions are stroking and tingling. And as additional ingredients for honey, you can use various essential oils .

Drainage massage for weight loss was known in the early 20th century. It is performed in three ways: superficial, deep and inner. It all depends on the amount of excess weight in the body. After 8 sessions, you can see positive dynamics: cellulite begins to disappear, the skin is smoothed and varicose veins disappear. But the course of such a massage can be repeated no earlier than 2 months later.

The best massage for losing weight is regular. Do not forget about your health and strive for the ideal!