Eggplants with cheese

What would surprise the guests for the next holiday? This question is constantly asked by many mistresses. We suggest you to prepare an original and tasty snack - aubergines with brynza in the oven.

Eggplant rolls with cheese



So, to prepare the eggplant, baked with cheese, the vegetables are thoroughly washed and wiped with a towel. Then cut off the blue tails and cut into thin slices. Sprinkle them to taste salt and leave for about 30 minutes. Then fry the pieces on both sides in vegetable oil. Brynza rubbed on a melon grater and mixed with chopped walnuts. Add the ground garlic, and fresh herbs. Slightly season with sour cream and mix. Now go to the preparation of rolls: on the edge of each slice, put a little stuffing and twist. We send eggplants with cheese and garlic to a preheated oven and bake for about 10 minutes.

Eggplants stuffed with cheese


For filling:


Before the beginning of cooking, we light the oven and leave it to heat up. Eggplant my, cut along into 2 halves, cut the cruciform flesh. Lubricate them with olive oil and set to bake for 20-30 minutes in the oven. At this time we are preparing the filling. Brynza is cut into small pieces and mixed with finely chopped dried tomatoes , black pepper and thyme. Squeeze the garlic and mix. We take the eggplant from the oven, lightly cool it and take out a portion of the pulp with a spoon. Fill the boats with stuffing and bake for another 10-15 minutes. We decorate stuffed eggplants with cheese and tomatoes with basil leaves and serve them to the table.