Kima Protasov's Diet - recipes

This diet is also called a "brawl" or "Israeli", because Kim Protasov is a dietitian from Israel who described with a humorous food system that will allow you to lose weight without special prohibitions. Consider the diet menu of Kim Protasov.

Rules of the diet

The basis of nutrition will be vegetables and dairy products. Vegetables are a source of slow carbohydrates. They will get rid of cravings for sweet, because they normalize the production of insulin. Also, the consumption of greenery will improve intestinal peristalsis, you will forget about constipation and digestive disorders.

Dairy products (without additives, as in curds and fruit yoghurts) are aimed at improving the intestinal microflora, getting rid of putrefactive bacteria. Milk products will be your source of protein, while it is very important to consume nonfat products, and those that have a fat content within 3-5%.

First two weeks

During the first two weeks (weight loss will last 5 weeks) you will need the simplest recipes for the diet menu of Kim Protasov. This will be the most difficult period - you consume only vegetables, natural dairy products, 3 green apples and 2 hard-boiled eggs.

And none of the menu components can not be ruled out.

Vegetables and dairy products you can eat, combining (sprinkle salads with low-fat cheese, dunk vegetables in yogurt), in addition, their consumption is not limited to either quantity or time - you eat when you are hungry.

For this stage of the diet of Kim Protasov you will need only salad recipes.

Week three, fourth and fifth

Soon you will feel that you can easily give up even hard-boiled eggs, the body will become pleasantly light. The only thing that distinguishes the second stage from the first is the consumption of meat. It is necessary to slightly reduce the content of dairy products in the menu and daily add 300 grams of meat, poultry or fish (of course, low-fat varieties). In this case, vegetables, apples and eggs - in force.

Here for the diet of Kim Protasov recipes for cooking second dishes will be relevant.

Quitting the diet

The beauty of this diet is that you lose weight imperceptibly and exactly as much as the body needs. The factor of damage to health is absent - you make your diet balanced, and the body itself decides on how much excess weight you need to get rid of. In order that 5 weeks are not wasted, to exit the diet of Kim Protasov, you need to be treated no less responsibly than to the stages of losing weight.

Start by adding vegetable oils. It is necessary to lower the fat content of milk products to 0.5-1%. Vegetable oils are added to salads in a very moderate amount.

Then bring the total amount of meat, fish or poultry to 400 grams per day. To do this, again, you should reduce the intake of milk. The final stage of the output is porridge. These complex carbohydrates should be consumed as breakfasts daily.


Not everyone knows that the appetite and the ability to withstand a diet depend on the cyclic processes of the female body. So, sitting on a diet at the beginning of the monthly cycle, you are likely to hold out and be able to overcome the craving for sweets and flour, if you do it immediately before menstruation, most women will barely survive at least a day.

In addition, many "for the benefit" of losing weight, decide at the first stage to give up not only all that is forbidden by the diet, but also from the vegetables themselves, eating only milk products. This leads to an overabundance of protein, kidney wear, constipation due to a shortage of plant fiber, and a general digestive disorder. Do not overdo the stick - two weeks on milk proteins can hardly benefit.

Moreover, even fat content does not need to be lower than recommended - milk products with a fat content of 3-5% are the most balanced and useful. At 0% fat content, we do not absorb a lot of vitamins and milk calcium.


Basic salad



Vegetables should be thinly sliced, onions and radishes - rings. Stir vegetables, add salt, pepper, vinegar, greens, as well as grated boiled egg.

Salad 2



Grated cheese, garlic, greens, lemon juice and yogurt mix. Cut the tomatoes into thin rings, pour them with the resulting mass. As a result we get pure dietary sandwiches.

Second courses

Fried meat with spices



Meat roll on both sides in spices, bake in the oven with vegetables.


Baked apples



Apple peel, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in the oven or microwave. Cottage cheese and yogurt mix and serve together with the apple.