Bean Cymes

Tsymes is a national popular traditional dish of Jewish cuisine, which is a vegetable stew . This dish is prepared from vegetables and dried fruits, but in rare cases even pears and apples are added to it. There are many variations of this dish: potato, carrot, chickpea or bean cymes.

Cymes from red beans in tomato



Beans are soaked in cold water and leave to swell for about three hours. Then drain the liquid and boil it without salt until ready. Onion cut into half rings and pass for several minutes in oil. During the frying, pour the flour, stir and continue to fry. At the very end, add the tomato paste and cook for about a minute. Then gradually pour in the broth from the beans and mix thoroughly. The remains of the broth are drained into a separate bowl. The resulting sauce seasoned with spices and sugar. You can buy a special mixture of spices for the preparation of the cymes. Then the beans are poured with sauce, add the laurel leaf and stew for about 30 minutes. At the end of the cooking, we add at will halved walnuts and serve the ready dish in a hot form.

The recipe for bean cymes



For the preparation of beans cymes, first prepare the beans in advance, brush onions and garlic, and then chop the vegetables and fry onions in vegetable oil, slightly to taste. Beans visually divide into 2 parts, if you have broken beans, then we let them on the pate, and the whole is put aside for the filling.

To the beans for pate we add chopped garlic and pour out the oil from the frying of onions. Grind the mass with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The bow is also divided into 2 parts. We remove one from the frying pan and put it back in a bowl, and to the second we add whole canned beans. Slightly blown all together, neatly mixed. When all the ingredients are ready: onions with beans, fried onions and bean paste, then go directly to the preparation of the cymes. Spread it in layers on a flat plate in the following sequence: first comes the bean paste, top spread the beans with onions, then again the pate and at the very end the fried onions.

Cyme from white beans with meat



Beans are washed and soaked for several hours in warm water. Then put it in a saucepan, fill it with enough the amount of water, put on an average fire and cook for an hour until ready. To save time, you can simply put the washed beans in a multivark, fill with water, close the lid, select the program "Beans" and set the timer for 50 minutes.

Onions are cleaned, washed, cut into small cubes and fried in vegetable oil. Boiled beans are mixed in a frying pan with onions, add tomato paste and fry. Season with salt and pepper to taste. After that, grind everything in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We pour the mixture into the vial, put several pieces of boiled meat, whole beans and serve them to a table with crispy toasts.