Turmeric - seasonings

The fragrant orange turmeric powder came to us from India. Indians, in turn, turmeric are very honored and not once described its medicinal properties in Ayurveda. At one time turmeric was so popular that it was called Indian saffron, although in addition to intensive staining with the crocus stigmas, the terracotta powder had nothing in common.

Today turmeric is not a rarity as before, it is inferior in value to the same saffron, and therefore enjoys much greater popularity so far.

Turmeric seasoning - useful properties

It's hard to believe, but turmeric is extremely rich in vitamins. Vitamins of group B, K and C, along with minerals, favorably affect the health of anyone who will supplement their food. First of all, aromatic spice will help those who suffer from problems with digestion, it stimulates appetite, has choleretic action, fights cholesterol and removes toxins.

Due to its spicy and burning taste, to use turmeric in its pure form, although useful, but not quite pleasant. Particularly brave personages, of course, can eat half a teaspoon of bright spice once a day, washing down with a lot of water, but much more delicious than turmeric in high-grade dishes.

Turmeric seasoning: - use in cooking

Due to its powdery consistency, turmeric readily dissolves in any liquids, filling with sauces, soups and stews. Coming from the east, this tasteful spice perfectly coexists with the company of traditional oriental ingredients, so in Indian cooking it is not uncommon to find it as the main spicy ingredient. So, for which dishes can you apply a turmeric dressing? Let's deal with the most delicious recipes.

Spicy rice with lentils and turmeric seasoning

Curry - a complex and multifaceted by its taste qualities dish, which is not easy to repeat the beginner. That is why our familiarity with turmeric we will begin with a light version of the classic Indian rice pork with the addition of lentils.



In the saucepan, melt the butter and wessed on it chopped onions with garlic. After 5 minutes, pour all the fragrant spices there: pinned grains of cardamom, mustard, dried chili flakes and turmeric - they should let off their scent. After a minute, mix the spices with rice and pour all the broth. After boiling the liquid, we reduce the heat and cook the rice for 10 minutes. We connect rice with boiled lentils and serve it to the table, sprinkling with coriander.

Baked chicken with turmeric seasoning



We prepare the marinade, dissolving honey in warmed orange juice. Add spices and butter to the mixture, carefully mix and immerse in the marinade chicken thigh. We leave the chicken meat for 10 hours, but if there is no time, the meat can be slightly stitched with a knife and reduce the marinating time to 3 hours.

After the time has elapsed let the excess marinade drain and fry the chicken on the grill until it is ready. Periodically you can lubricate the chicken with the remnants of the marinade with the help of a culinary brush, so honey can caramelize and turn into a mouth-watering ruddy crust.

Fresh and light salad will be a wonderful addition to this bright and simple dish with the addition of turmeric.