Haddock in batter

Due to the fact that the haddock keeps its shape perfectly, it can easily be baked, stewed and even fried, especially delicious haddock in batter. After cooking, tender fish fillets literally break into pieces and melt in the mouth, and the golden claret pleasantly crunches with every bite.

Haddock in beer batter - recipe

Beer klar - a classic of the genre for cooking deep-fried fish. Try and you this simple and universal recipe.



We sift the flour and mix it with a good pinch of salt and pepper. In the center of a flour hill we make a "well" and drive an egg into it. Add the beer and mix a thick paste, which is then diluted with ice water. Haddock fillets are checked for bones and, if necessary, we remove them. We dip slices of fillet into the prepared batter and fry in a well-heated vegetable oil until golden brown. We put the fish fillets on napkins to allow excess fat to drain off.

Usually, fillet of haddock in batter is a traditional variant of English dish "fish and chips", therefore, following the tradition, you should serve fish with French fries. It is beneficial to complement the dish with a light vegetable salad and any sauce to taste.

Stewed haddock fried in batter

A good clary is obtained on carbonated water. The only condition - the water should be literally icy, otherwise it will let gluten in the flour, which will turn the crust of their crunchy into lush and soft.



Before preparing the haddock in batter, the fish must be cleaned of bones and dried. Vegetable oil is heated deep-fried or deep thick-walled pan. In a deep bowl we sift the flour, mix it with salt, pepper and pour in icy soda water (again, the water can be replaced with a similar amount of light beer). Immediately immerse the fish fillet in the batter, let the excess flow and lay the fillet in the preheated oil. As soon as the claret becomes golden, we take the fish out of the deep-frying, dried on paper towels and served with a slice of lemon.

If desired, the fish can be served with a tar-tar sauce or any other dip dip according to taste. Bon Appetit!