Wish List - rules of compilation

A wish card is one of the popular techniques for fulfilling dreams, which comes from the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. The goal of creation is visualization and a mental message, expressed through creativity and awareness. The rules for drawing up a wish card include a phased mental comprehension of various aspects of life and an understanding of what a person really needs in the near and foreseeable future.

How to make a wish visualization board?

In the theory and practical creation of the desire card lies the Bagua square, which helps to correctly allocate space to the zones. The principle of such separation is one of the foundations of Feng Shui , which is used to adjust each of the directions of a person's life.

There are two ways to draw a wish card:

In both cases, the wish-fulfillment card will work if it is properly filled.

How to make a wish visualization map?

First of all, creating a wish card makes a person think about what he really needs. The creative and thought process while working on the map creates a certain energy, which helps the desires and dreams to come true. So, the sheet needs to be divided into nine equal sectors.

Each of the sectors of the wish card has its name, direction and color. The sides of the world in the Bagua square are located as follows: north below, south above, west right, left east.

How to create a wish card - basic rules for compiling

  1. The central sector is the embodiment of the person and his most important dream, it is in the center that you need to arrange your own image. Photos should be chosen based on what a person wants to see himself in the future - healthy, happy, happy. Hence, the picture in the central square should be exactly this.
  2. The upper left corner corresponds to the southeast, the color is light green, the zone of wealth. In this sector, you can place a picture of money and write affirmative notes concerning income and wages. For example, under a photo with bundles of money you can write that my salary is ... the desired amount. Here you can also create a collage of photos that vividly characterize and symbolize wealth - chic yachts, expensive jewelry, exclusive items, cars, etc.
  3. The upper middle sector , south, red, meaning - glory, recognition, honor. Here are photos that correspond to the professional and creative ambitions of a person. There are any aspects that symbolize recognition, such as a podium, cups, letters, diplomas, a red carpet, a photo in a famous magazine, etc.
  4. Upper right corner , south-west, color brown, sector of love. For those who only dream of a happy family and love, you can place romantic photos or depict yourself in a wedding dress. For held family people it is best to consolidate the success of a beautiful photo, you can have a wedding or with a joint rest. The main thing is that on this photo both partners radiate love and happiness.
  5. The left sector is in the central zone , east, the color is dark green, the zone of health and family relations. This sector includes not only physical health, but also the psychological and emotional state of all family members, including domestic animals. Here you can find common family photos on a walk, on vacation, collages of the whole family in beautiful and pleasant places.
  6. Right sector on the central line , west, white color, zone of creativity and children. If you plan to have children, consolidate your desire with a picture of the baby in this sector, if you already have children, then reflect here their creativity and do not forget yourself. Creativity includes any creation - from cooking to masterpieces of art.
  7. The lower left corner , the northeast, the color is light brown, the sector of knowledge and skills. In this corner you can place pictures that symbolize your aspirations in obtaining new knowledge and skills in any field, from studying sciences and languages ​​to dancing.
  8. Lower central sector , north, color blue, career development zone. Here it is necessary to reflect as much as possible all your career and professional aspirations - a beautiful office, a growth chart, presentations and photos of the coveted achievements in the professional sphere.
  9. Right lower corner , north-west, color gray, travel sector and assistants. Here you can capture the images of the countries you are dreaming of visiting, modes of transport, for example, a sea liner or an airplane, place yourself and your loved ones against the background of famous buildings or resorts . Do not forget about the helpers, it's not only people, but the higher forces that lead us through life.

An important question is where to hang a wish card. In order for the card to work, you must see it constantly, but you need to hide it from extraneous, strange, envious eyes. Ideally, the map should hang over the desk or in the rest area. If there is no way to hide a card from strangers, you can make it in a small format and store it in a folder, getting it alone.