Pumping - what is it in bodybuilding and what is it for?

In sport, different methods are used that allow you to achieve better results in the chosen direction. People seeking to increase their muscle volume, for example, bodybuilders use in their training pumping. Results from such training are visible almost immediately.

Pumping in bodybuilding

If you translate the English word "pumping" it means to fill up, pump up, and use it to describe the athlete's special and subjective sensation when he feels the bursting and tightening of muscle tissue and the flow of blood. Finding out what pumping in bodybuilding is, it should be said that with this principle of training, frequent repetitions of the same exercise / movement are used.

During training, a lot of blood flows into the tissues in a shorter period of time. As a result, the muscles are filled to the maximum with blood, but the natural outflow does not have time to occur. There are three types of pumping:

  1. Productive . The main goal of the training is to stimulate muscle growth.
  2. Cosmetic . Used by athletes before the competition and photo shoot to make the relief more clear. The visual increase is 15-20%.
  3. Pharmacological . It implies the intake of special sports supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Why do I need pumping?

During training with increased speed, you can get a number of benefits.

  1. There is a good stretching of the fascia, which facilitates the process of growth of muscle mass.
  2. Pumping is an opportunity for a short time to increase muscle volume by about 3-5 cm, which is useful, for example, in competitions.
  3. Thanks to the improvement in blood flow, the level of nutrients and oxygen that grows to the muscle cells also grows.
  4. For classes, small weights are used, which reduces the risk of injury and stretching.
  5. Pumping is an effective technique for those who want to lose weight .

Pumping in bodybuilding - the pros and cons

First, let's look at the advantages of this training principle.

  1. Since the exercises use a small weight, you can observe the correct technique of implementation, which is important for obtaining results.
  2. Pumping training loads slow muscle fibers, which are not involved during the performance of normal strength exercises.
  3. You can effectively work out "stubborn" muscle fibers, which are dense and difficult to bring to fatigue. These include forearms and calves.
  4. There is an acceleration of the secretion of male anabolic hormones.

Pumping muscles does not have many drawbacks and they occur during when it is used to burn fat deposits. If you do not use pharmacology, then begins an active "eating out" of the muscles, because the body is easier to take energy from them, rather than fat. The disadvantages include the fact of using a small weight, as a result of which progress will be more difficult. You can not choose to pamper people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

How correctly to do pumping?

Use accelerated training can both professionals and beginners, the main thing is to follow certain rules.

  1. For those who are interested in what a pamping training is, one should know that the principle is based on repeated repetition of exercise with reduced weight, for example, if a person can squeeze 100 kg 5 times, then he must reduce the amount to 50 kg and do 20 repetitions.
  2. Do not reduce weight greatly, because with a small weight, progress will not be achieved. The best solution is to reduce weight by 50% of your maximum.
  3. Understanding the fact that pumping it, it should be said that every repetition must be carried out in full amplitude. It is worth considering that because of this it is recommended to replace the bar with dumbbells.
  4. As for repetitions, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-20 times.
  5. It is recommended to do without stopping, and rest between approaches should be minimal.

Pumping training - a program for women

To pump muscles with blood, you can use several different ways:

  1. Drop-set - the implementation of approaches without stops with a gradual reduction in weight. Each approach must continue until painful sensations appear.
  2. Peak reduction - stop at the end point of traffic at maximum load.
  3. The Super Set is the most effective pumping training, as the tissues are filled with blood to the maximum. In this case, two different exercises are used, during which the fascias of one group or nearby antagonists participate.
  4. Cheating - first exercises are performed in the standard mode, and when there is a feeling of fatigue and burning in the muscles, you need to increase the speed and work until the end of the reserve of forces.
  5. Preliminary fatigue - an isolating exercise loads the muscles to failure, and then, you need to go to the basic elements.
  6. Partial repetition - the muscles do not work at their maximum and the exercises are performed half the possible amplitude of the fascia.
An exercise Approaches / repetitions
Squats 5 approaches / 15 repetitions
Romanian draft 5/15
Leg bending 5/20
Impacts 5/20
A bike 15 minutes.
Romanian draft 5 / maximum repetition
Leg bending 5 / maximum repetition
A bike 25 min.

Pumping for weight gain

If a woman has a goal - to increase muscle volume, then for her training, she can choose the following exercises: squats, deadlifts , lunges, foot press, different kinds of presses, flexions / straightening and lifting. The effect of pumping is achieved through the use of extra weight. Choose for training 5-6 exercises, doing 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

Pumping for burning fat

The process of losing weight is possible due to the high intensity of the training. Finding out whether burning fat pushes, it is worth noting that with prolonged repetition of exercise with minimal rest, there is a high expenditure of energy. Thanks to the increased work of the muscles, they will not break down and the fat mass will be consumed. In this case, pumping for weight loss is recommended to combine with sports nutrition.

  1. Choose for training known exercises: leg breeding, squats, pelvic lifting, twisting and others.
  2. For one workout per muscle group, select 3-4 exercises, which are performed on 3-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Sports nutrition for pumping

One type of pumping involves the use of special additives. Bodybuilders use them to improve results. You can take such drugs for pumping: arginine, creatine, fat burners and pre-training complexes. The main and most useful sports nutrition is arginine, which promotes vasodilation. He also restores muscle tissue, improves nutrition and reduces blood pressure. Take it three times a day before training for 3-5 g.

Pharmacy pumping in bodybuilding

For athletes a wide range of products is available, which can be used to increase blood circulation. Among all you can identify available pharmacy products for pumping:

  1. Pentoxifylline . Improves blood circulation by expanding the vessels. Already after 2-3 hours after the reception you can feel the elasticity of the muscles. Take it during breakfast at 200 mg.
  2. Mildronate . Increases working capacity and reduces overexertion. Helps regulate cellular immunity. Take it at the rate of 1 kg of weight should be 15-20 mg "Mildronata . "
  3. Trimetazidine . By its action is similar to the previous drug, and it also increases resistance to physical stress. Take 40-60 mg per day, dividing the dose into 2 doses: in the morning and a couple of hours before the training.