Chocolate Diet

Cooking chocolate from the grains of cocoa, water and chili peppers, the Aztecs (Maya predecessors), learned more than 3000 years ago. In 1100 BC the inhabitants of North America quenched their thirst with chocolate beer. To do this, they put cocoa beans in special containers, poured them with water and waited for the cocoa beans to perebrdoyat.

In Europe, Spanish sailors brought chocolate. And in the 16th century, the monk Benconi, who examined cocoa beans, provided the King of Spain with his work, in which he described the beneficial properties of a chocolate drink. At that time, only the royal blood and rich people could afford chocolate. Infant Maria Theresa, daughter of Philip IV of Spain, becoming the queen of France, made chocolate the most popular drink at the French Court. It was even used as a medicine for the treatment of depression, general weakness. It was believed that chocolate contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

In our time, chocolate has become available to everyone, and the number of fans of this delicacy is growing every day. But because of its high calorie content, many people have to limit themselves in chocolate. For example, in 100 g of milk chocolate contains 475 kcal and 27 grams of fat (about 59% of the total caloric content of the product).

For those who can not deny themselves sweets and at the same time wants to lose weight, a special chocolate diet is created. Depending on the desired results, you can choose a chocolate diet and chocolate unloading days, which should be maintained 1-2 times a week. But just do not think that chocolate can eat up to the heap! A day allowed to eat only one 100 grams of bitter chocolate.

Chocolate unloading days

The meaning is that during the day you need to eat 100 g of black chocolate and drink their cocoa without milk. Milk on such days should not be consumed, because it reduces the activity of flavonoids, which are contained in chocolate and the diet brings less results. Chocolate flavonoids affect the metabolic rate, and are very useful for the cardiovascular system. For one such day you can lose from 1 to 2 kg of weight.

Chocolate seven-day diet

For those who want to part with 6 kg of excess weight, there is a seven-day chocolate, or rather, a coffee-chocolate diet. Stock up on bitter chocolate, because you'll have to eat it all week, one day a tile. Do not eat it all in one sitting, and then go hungry all day. Divide it into several meals. Drink chocolate with unsweetened coffee (unlimited quantities), in which you can add a little skim milk. You can drink water only 2 hours after a chocolate meal. Try to consume as much water as possible, especially if you feel hungry.

The benefits of this diet are not only in the rapid acquisition of the desired forms, but also that regular consumption of chocolate stimulates the brain and your creativity can be on the rise. Chocolate strengthens immunity, and the large amount of antioxidants with which it is famous slows down aging. In addition, the use of chocolate is recommended for anemia.

Chocolate diet has different reviews: some doctors believe that chocolate, like any other mono-diet should not be adhered to more than once a year, others say that the chocolate diet is, in fact, the same fasting, and it is only permissible under strict control of medical staff. But, as you know, every diet requires a reasonable approach - if you feel bad, sticking to any of them, then the diet should be abandoned. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the propensity to this or that chronic disease. But an increasing number of people who are unable to deny themselves even a piece of this delicacy, find a solution in the chocolate diet.