Tea with honey

Tea with lemon and honey is the first remedy for colds. And if you add ginger or cinnamon to this drink, the benefits will be double, and the taste will be much more intense. Now we will share with you the secrets of how to properly prepare tea with honey to get the most delicious and wholesome drink.

Tea with honey and lemon



How correctly to make tea? We preheat the kettle for brewing, pouring it with boiling water. The temperature of water for the brewing of black tea should be 100 degrees, and for the green - 80-90 degrees. Fill it in the kettle with tea leaves and leave the minutes for 2. It is not necessary to insist longer, otherwise the tea will not only be bitter, but will lose all its useful properties. Next, strain the tea and add sugar and a slice of lemon to taste. Black and green tea can also be served with honey. We add it directly to the cup to taste or we serve it in a separate bowl.

Tea with ginger and honey



From the root of ginger peel the peel, finely chop it or three on a grater. We transfer it into a container for brewing and pour boiling water, let it brew for 5-7 minutes and only then add honey to taste. In hot tea, honey is not recommended, since in this case not only all of its healing properties are lost, but even some harmful substances will be released.

Tea with cinnamon and honey



The root of ginger is peeled, peeled on a grater, filled with water and boiled for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Remove from the fire, add a stick of cinnamon, after which the kettle is covered and leave for half an hour to insist. Then filter the infusion and again bring it to a boil. We pour infusion into the brewer, into which green tea is already filled. Let's brew for 2-3 more minutes, pour the tea over the cups and add honey to taste. Ginger tea with cinnamon and honey is ready. Have a nice tea!

Chamomile tea with honey



In the brewer we fall asleep inflorescence of chamomile and pour boiling water. Let's brew for 10 minutes. During this time tea from chamomile will cool down a little, it is not recommended to drink hot, and it can be added honey.