Cake with apples - recipe

Cake with apples turns very tasty, but slightly wet. Such a treat is good to serve with whipped cream to hot freshly brewed tea.

Oatmeal cake with apples



Butter butter, we add sugar, break the egg, pour in the flour with the baking powder and mix everything to a homogeneous mass. Now add the oatmeal and mix the dough thoroughly until smooth. The form is lubricated with oil, sprinkled with mango or flour and spread the dough, evenly distributing it. My apples, dried, cleaned, sliced ​​and spread over the dough with a fan. Then we send the cake to the oven and bake for 35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Curd cake with apples



Softened cream butter whisked with 1 yolk and a pinch of sugar. Now pour in the flour, baking powder, knead the dough and put it in the fridge. Cottage cheese whisked with lemon juice, put sour cream, almonds, yolks, eggs and sugar. The form is lubricated with oil and spread the dough into it, bending the edges and forming small sides. Then we distribute the curd mass , lay out apple slices on the cake and bake in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 175 degrees.

Pancake cake with apples


For pancakes:


In the milk we add eggs, sugar, vanillin, salt, flour and melted butter. We stir all the ingredients well, knead them dough for pancakes and put it in a warm place to insist. Raisins pour for 2 hours with water, apples shred by slices. Now we are preparing the syrup: heat an incomplete glass of water, add sugar, lemon juice, apples and cook for 5 minutes.

This time, we rub the yolks with sugar and white and poured into warm milk. Cook on low heat until thick. In a thick hot cream, add raisins, put the cottage cheese and pour pre-soaked gelatin. Baked pancakes are cut into pieces, on top we put layers of cream and apples, close with whole pancake and put puff cake with apples for 3 hours in the fridge.