Parkinson's disease - causes and treatment

Chronic degenerative diseases of the nervous system in medicine are called Parkinson's disease. Despite the long study of pathology, the causes of Parkinson's disease have not been accurately identified, and treatment can only slow down the process. Consider what factors are provoked by parkinsonism.

Causes of pathology

The provoking factors include:

  1. Toxic damage to brain tissue. It often develops as a result of kidney and liver diseases.
  2. Negative effects of free radicals on the cells of the brain. Free radicals oxidize and, thus, damage the cellular structure.
  3. Presence of an altered gene. In this case, the disease manifests itself at a young age.
  4. Mutations leading to a change in mitochondria. The neurons of the brain are subjected to a negative influence.
  5. Heredity. It was noted that 20% of patients with Parkinson's disease had a similar disease in their relatives.
  6. Lack of vitamin D. It is this substance that protects the brain from the negative effects of free radicals.
  7. Encephalitis. In this case, the disease can develop as a result of both bacterial and viral infection.
  8. Craniocerebral injury , leading to damage to the cellular structure of the brain.
  9. Among the risk factors are also vascular pathologies, for example, atherosclerosis.

Depending on the cause of Parkinson's disease, a treatment regimen is prepared.

Medicamentous treatment of Parkinson's disease

It is worth considering that the disease is slowly but steadily progressing. Existing pharmacological drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease only delay the irreversibility of degenerative changes. In this case, the therapy is conducted in two directions:

  1. Use of drugs that can stop the destruction of dopaminergic neurons. Unfortunately, there are no drugs that can get a 100% positive effect.
  2. The use of drugs that improve the condition of the patient, removing the expressed symptomatology.

Most often, Levodopa is prescribed as a symptomatic agent. However, its reception is effective no longer than 4-6 years. In addition, it is necessary to use a complex means, reducing the risk of side effects. Therefore, the drug is more often prescribed in the severe stage of the pathology or in patients of advanced age.

Patients younger than 50 years of age are recommended dopamine antagonists, amantadines or MAO-B inhibitors. When expressed tremor, anticholinergic drugs.

If the therapeutic program is ineffective, surgical intervention is possible. In this case, the brain is affected by a weak electric current. Another newest method of treating Parkinson's disease is the implantation into the tissue of cellular structures capable of producing dopamine, which will reduce the progression of parkinsonism.

Treatment of Parkinson's disease at home

Folk therapy is designed to alleviate the symptoms of pathology.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Raw material before going to bed is poured with water and brought to a boil. Insist the remedy during the night. Understand the filtered infusion of ½ cup 4 times a day. The best time is before eating. Used to prevent fainting and paralysis.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Nettle is steamed with boiling water and infused for 1 hour. It is drunk according to the same scheme as the remedy from tin and hemlock. Recommended for severe tremor of hands .