Khachapuri - the recipe of preparation

Khachapuri does not need a special presentation. These simple flat cakes with cheese have so sunk in the heart of consumers from all over the world that have become classics of world cuisine. Recipes of cooking khachapuri we intend to disassemble in detail below.

Khachapuri in Adjarian - recipe for cooking

The most popular varieties of khachapuri are Imeritin, in which the filling is rolled into a flat cake like in hychin, and Adzharian - open "boats" with cheese and eggs. The latter are prepared a little more complicated, but they also turn out to be much more picturesque.


For the test:

For filling:


The basis is the basic yeast dough, for which it is necessary to dilute the yeast in slightly sweetened warm water, then wait for their activation (when a lush cap appears on the surface), pour in the olive oil and combine everything with the flour. Leave the dough for 10 minutes, then formulate into the boat.

While the dough is suitable again, take on the filling, for which you should grind both types of crumbled cheese with a pair of eggs and butter. The ready-made cheese mixture is spread over a cake, repeating its shape, but receding a couple of centimeters from the edge. Turn the edges.

Preparation of khachapuri with cheese takes from 10 to 12 minutes at 250 degrees. Then the egg is poured over the cheese and the dish returns to the oven until the egg protein grasps. Before serving, one more piece of butter is put on top.

Preparation of khachapuri from puff pastry with cheese

Preparation of classical Adjara khachapuri at home can seem laborious, but if you are in a hurry to eat Georgian cakes with cheese, then use the ready-made puff pastry as a base.



Scrunch the cheeses and mix them with one of the eggs. Roll out both layers of dough, cut into large squares and distribute the filling over each of them. Collect the four edges of the dough with an envelope and smear the surface of the resulting layers with an egg. Leave everything in a preheated oven for 200 degrees for half an hour.

Instant khachapuri recipe in a frying pan

Even faster can be prepared and classic Imeritin khachapuri, if you use a frying pan instead of a plate for their preparation. The base here will also be yeast, but at the output the dough will not turn out as splendid as in the case of Adzharian khachapuri, due to the rather thin rolling.


For the test:

For filling:


As usual, we start the preparation from the dough. Preheat the milk to a temperature just above room temperature and dilute the sugar in it. Add the yeast to the sweetened milk. Combine the flour with a pinch of salt and pour in the yeast solution. Finish the dough well and divide into balls of equal size.

Pound the yolks with grated cheese and half a soft butter. Roll each of the balls into a small flat cake, in the center of which place the filling portion. Collect the edges of the dough together and turn the cake suture down. Re-roll everything into a disc that fits the frying pan in which it will be baked. Work with a rolling pin neatly, moving from the center to the periphery, so as not to break through a thin layer of dough. Now heat a dry frying pan, lay a cake on it and brown it on both sides. Finished khachapuri grease with the remaining butter.