Grape wine at home - recipe

Currently, it is difficult to find on sale really natural grape wine. Therefore, if you have at least the slightest opportunity to prepare a drink yourself at home, be sure to use it. Moreover, the technology of making home-made wine is absolutely uncomplicated, and we will describe it in the recipe below. Using simple recommendations, you will get a decent drink, the taste of which you can enjoy yourself, and also to please them close and friends.

How to make "Isabella" grape wine at home - a recipe from juice



For preparation in house conditions of grape wine "Isabella" use red grapes of the same name. This grows on a larger territory of our country, because it is frost-resistant and absolutely unpretentious to weather conditions. But, like any other plant, the climate still affects the quality of the grapes, determining its taste, juiciness, degree of sweetness and acidity. It happens that the resulting grape juice is excessively acidic and oversaturated. Then it must be slightly diluted with water. We determine its quantity to taste. The amount of sugar can also vary depending on the initial taste characteristics of the berries. To neutralize the excessive acidity of the finished juice, which will be used to make wine, more sugar crystals will be needed.

But at the same time we note that if the grape berries are of high quality and sweet enough, it is better to abstain from adding water to the juice.

So, we first separate the grapes from the clusters. It is strictly forbidden to wash them before this. If there are some contaminants, they should be easily wiped with a cloth. We crush every berry, trying not to damage the bones, and after four hours we squeeze out the grape juice, using gauze, a tissue cut and a mechanical press. We estimate the acidity of the finished juice and introduce water, if necessary.

We pour the juice into the bottle, filling it with no more than two thirds, add half a serving of sugar, shake the contents until all the crystals are dissolved and install a septum on the vessel. We make sure that the cork does not let in air, otherwise we will get wine vinegar instead of wine . The workpiece is located at a temperature of 17 to 22 degrees and leave the days for five. After a lapse of time, we add half of the remaining sugar to the grape juice, previously dissolving it in a small wine portion. After another five days, add the remaining sugar in the same manner and leave the bottle under the hydraulic seal until the fermentation process is complete. The whole cycle, depending on the temperature, can last 40-70 days.

If fermentation lasts more than fifty days, then the wine must be drained from the sediment, then again put the fermentation. We are willing to taste the wine. With insufficient sweetness, you can add sugar and put the billet. You can also "fix" the wine by adding vodka or alcohol, but then its taste will become tougher. Ready wine after bottling it must be kept in the cellar, basement or on the shelf of the refrigerator for at least three months.

Similarly, you can prepare apple-grape wine at home, replacing part of the grape juice with freshly squeezed apple. The latter can also be used for balancing the taste of the wine base in place of water. As well as grapes, apples before squeezing juice from them are not mine.