Kiwi Slimming

This exotic "plush" fruit with amazingly delicate taste and emerald flesh enjoys constant popularity in adults and children. Kiwi was brought to New Zealand in the XIX century and it was from this time on that it was grown here. After this fruit began to be in demand, it was decided to name it in honor of the national symbol of the country - a small bird of kiwi.

Today we will examine the question of how useful kiwi is for women, and we also learn how to lose weight and get acquainted with a number of diets with the help of kiwi.

Kiwi: useful properties and diet

Why is it useful kiwi? The answer is simple. In a small green fruit contains a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, PP, E, C), as well as trace elements, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Kiwi contains a record amount of vitamin C. So even a small fruit can provide the human body with a daily norm of this important vitamin, which strengthens blood vessels and the body's immune system, increases resistance to all kinds of infections, helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, normalizes digestion and metabolic processes. The high content of kiwi potassium makes it irreplaceable for the cardiovascular system, and magnesium helps with hypertension, normalizes metabolism and is also useful for the heart. Kiwi is recommended to be taken after a plentiful feast with overeating and the appearance of gravity in the stomach.

Kiwi fruit for weight loss

Kiwi contains a large amount of fiber and enzymes, which makes it an indispensable fruit for those who want to lose weight. High fiber content in kiwi helps to cleanse the intestines, and the presence of enzymes speeds up the burning of fats. This fruit with delicious and tender flesh will help to make your body slim, and the process of losing weight is easy and pleasant. Women who dream of losing weight, it will be useful to take 1-2 fruits of kiwi for 30-40 minutes before each meal, and also use this fruit for snacks between them. If your goal is to tighten up your tummy a little, you can arrange once a week a day for kiwi. On this day it is supposed to eat 1-1.5 kg of kiwi, dividing this amount into 4-6 receptions. In addition, you can drink mineral water without gas, green and herbal tea without sugar.

Losing weight with kiwi can be varied by unloading days. It should be remembered that for some people kiwi can provoke an allergy, so a few days before the day of the unloading day, you need to try a few fruits for the trial and follow your feelings. You also need to be careful of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes.

Diet for weight loss with kiwi

Diet with kiwi is very suitable for women tired of fresh and monotonous monotonies. However, it can be applied no more than 7 days and repeat only after 3-4 weeks. But weight loss for a week of losing weight with kiwi can be from 3 to 5 kg:

  1. Breakfast . Fruit salad: green apple, kiwi and grapefruit cut into slices. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sprouted wheat germ, 4 tbsp. spoons of oat flakes and 150 ml of low-fat yogurt or kefir. Wait for me to stand up.
  2. Second breakfast . Slimming cocktail with kiwi fruit. Kiwis clean and grind. Add the juice of orange and yogurt. Mix everything with a mixer.
  3. Lunch . Manna porridge with kiwi fruit. Cook semolina porridge on skim milk. AT Cooled porridge add honey and sliced ​​pieces of kiwi. To taste add fresh fruit and yogurt.
  4. Dinner . Low-fat cottage cheese with kiwi fruit. Mix 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 100 g of kiwi with a mixer. To drink a cocktail with kiwi.

This is only an exemplary menu, which does not need to be strictly adhered to. It is important to simply understand the very principle of using kiwi in a diet for weight loss. Applying kiwi for weight loss, you can not only normalize your weight and replenish your body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, but also enjoy delicious and healthy dishes from this exotic fruit.