Laryngitis in pregnancy

In view of the weakening of the body's defenses, which is noted during pregnancy, a woman is susceptible to developing colds and inflammatory diseases affecting the respiratory system. One of these is laryngitis, which is often noted in women during current pregnancy. Consider the violation in detail, let's name its main features, features of treatment during gestation.

How is laryngitis manifested during pregnancy?

The main signs that may indicate the development of this disease are:

Than to treat a laryngitis at pregnancy?

When answering this question, doctors, first of all, pay attention to the term of gestation. It is from this that the permissibility of using a certain number of medicines depends. Therapy of the same disease during the carrying of the baby is reduced to:

So, from a cough during pregnancy can be used:

For the treatment of the throat can be used:

Despite the admissibility of use during gestation, all drugs require medical approval.

To remove the infection from the body and prevent its further spread, you need a lot of drinking. As such, use a decoction of rose hips, mors, tea with lemon.

Treatment of laryngitis in pregnancy is not without inhalation. In doing so, they use:

Excellent help to ease the state of health and directly affect the cause of the disease, rinsing the throat with herbs (dandelion, St. John's wort, sage).

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are a lot of funds that help to ease the course of the disease. However, in order for a pregnant woman to determine how to treat her laryngitis, you need to see a doctor.