Polenta - recipe

Polenta is one of the popular dishes of Italian cuisine, which is prepared from corn flour or medium grinded cereals. Serve it with grated hot cheese and a variety of sauces. Usually polenta is not served as an independent dish, but only with such ingredients as mushrooms, vegetables, meats and greens. Have you tried this dish? If not, then let's consider together the recipes for polenta.

Polenta with cheese - recipe



To prepare polenta from corn groats take a large pot, pour water and set on medium heat. As soon as it boils, reduce the gas, salt and pour a thin trickle of corn mass, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the porridge for about 30 minutes.

Now take the baking tray with high sides, grease with butter and spread the corn polenta with a uniform layer. We spread the wet surface with a spoon, cover with a towel and leave to cool for about 1 hour. At the end of time, cut it into small squares. We chop the greens, mash the cheese with the fork, add the grated cream cheese and mix it well.

Smear with cheese mass each square and add them to 2 smudged inside. Next, put the polenta and cheese on a greased baking tray and put in a preheated oven for 170 ° for 15 minutes. Serve hot, sprinkled with greens on top.

Polenta with mushrooms



How to cook polenta with mushrooms? Vegetable broth is brought to a boil, salt, and then pour into it a thin trickle of corn flour. Stir thoroughly and cook with the lid closed for about 30 minutes. From the resulting porridge we form a cake. In a separate bowl, pour boiling water over the dried white mushrooms and leave for half an hour. Then the infusion is well filtered, add a little broth and port to it. Next, put the bowl on the fire and cook until half of the liquid has boiled out.

We cut the polenta into 10 squares, grease it with olive oil and bake it in the oven to a crispy crust. In a frying pan fry the chopped onions, ceps and garlic. After that, we infuse the resulting infusion of mushrooms. Frying pan with sauce cover and leave to languish on the fire for 5 minutes, and then sprinkle with chopped parsley. Poured polenta on a dish and poured mushroom sauce.

Polenta with greens



How to cook a polenta with herbs? Spinach thoroughly rinse under running water, and then grind. Celery and carrots are cut into small cubes. In a frying pan with olive oil fry onions, then add garlic, greens, seasonings and vegetables. In the pot, pour water, bring to a boil and fall asleep corn flour, mix thoroughly, pepper and salt. Cook for 20 minutes. Ready polenta cut into pieces and put on a dish. We put roast from greens and vegetables on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.