Patties with cheese

Pies are prepared with a variety of fillings - and with fruit, and with jam, and with cabbage, and with meat. In general, there are a lot of options. In this article we will tell you how to make pies with cheese.

Puff pastry with cheese and ham



Ham and cheese cut straws. Puff dough is cut into rectangles and each piece is rolled out and top spread out the filling of ham and cheese. Fold the dough in half, protect the edges. We spread the patties on a baking tray, pre-oiled and each one with a beaten egg. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we bake puff pastry with cheese for about 20 minutes. Puff pastry with mushrooms and cheese is also very tasty. For their preparation, mushrooms are fried, mixed with cheese, and then everything is done, as in this recipe.

Pies with tomatoes and cheese


For the test:

For filling:


Cut the tomatoes in circles. Brynza mash with a fork. Garlic is passed through the press. Dill is crushed. Blend cheese with dill and garlic. Now make the dough: in boiling water, stir the salt and sugar, pour in the vegetable oil, pour in the flour and mix a fairly soft dough. Leave the dough for 30 minutes, and then roll half into a thin layer. On it at a distance of about 3 cm from each other, spread out circles of tomatoes, and on top we put on a teaspoon of toppings.

Now roll the same layer of dough exactly the same way and cover the batter with the filling. A glass of the appropriate size cut out circles around each piece of a tomato. Pour the vegetable oil on the frying pan. As soon as it gets warm, we spread our patties and fry on both sides until a crust is formed. Ready pies with tomatoes and cheese spread on paper towels to eliminate excess fat. We serve the patties hot.

Patties with chicken and cheese


For the test:

For filling:


Dice the butter with cubes and grind with a glass of flour. Add the sour cream, the remaining flour mixed with the baking powder for the dough and knead the soft dough. We send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time we are preparing the filling: boiled chicken fillet is sorted into fibers. Cheese three on a large grater, greens grind. Mix the ingredients for the filling, add the mayonnaise and mix. Cut the dough in half. From one half we roll the sausage and cut it into pieces. Each of them is rolled into a flat cake, we spread the filling. Fold the dough, fasten the edges, forming a patty. Trays slightly sprinkled with flour, spread pies and at 180 degrees bake for 25 minutes.

In the same way, you can make pies with sausage and cheese.

Pita bread with cheese



Lavash is cut into 4 strips. Hard cheese is cut into rectangular cubes and laid on strips of pita bread, on top of it we rub it with spices and chopped greens. The rest of the pita bread is smeared with melted cheese. We turn off the pita bread with rolls, bending the edges. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil, lay out the rolls and fry them for 5 minutes on each side. The fire should be small, so that the pies are not burnt.

Taking as a basis any of these recipes, you can slightly adjust the filling, and get a completely different taste - for example, an interesting option - pies with eggs and cheese. To do this, mix the boiled egg with the chopped cheese, if desired, add a little garlic. And use the resulting mixture as a filling.

In addition, instead of chicken, ham and sausage, you can use boiled meat. In general, the choice is yours.