Milk jelly

Milk jelly - it's tasty, useful, and most importantly - very simple. For its preparation you need a minimum of products: milk, sugar, gelatin. To make the taste more refined, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, make jelly from cream, decorate with fruit or combine milk with coffee, chocolate, cocoa or fruit juices. If you do not know how to make a milk jelly, just follow the recipe on the gelatin package, using milk as a liquid. The beauty of this dish is that it is very useful: calcium in milk, natural substances to strengthen bone tissue in gelatin, cocoa or chocolate as an antidepressant and the ability to use honey instead of sugar or not to use sugar at all - all this makes it possible to call the milk jelly royal dessert.

A few tips

If you want to get really delicious milk jelly, use whole cow's milk, best of all - pasteurized milk. Milk should not be boiled, the taste of jelly will have a somewhat unpleasant tinge. Skimmed or skim milk, too, should not be used, it is better not to add sugar. Jelly from skim milk will also have an unpleasant bluish tinge. How to make milk jelly if there is no milk? Do not use powdered milk, it will be completely inedible. Prepare the milk jelly with sour cream. Take high-quality sour cream, pour gelatin with warm boiled water, lightly heat up when gelatin swells, strain and mix thoroughly with sour cream. In this mixture you can add any ingredients - it will be very tasty.

Very simple gel

In the preparation of milk jelly the main thing is to keep the proportion and not to break the technology. If you overdo with the liquid or boil gelatin, it just does not freeze. For half a liter of whole milk, take 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin (without a slide). Pour gelatin with warm milk and leave for about 15 minutes. When gelatin swells, stir well and start to warm slightly. Important! The maximum temperature of heating - 80 degrees, but gelatin perfectly dissolves at a lower temperature. Just try the milk with your finger - you will feel that it has become hot - remove and stir. Strain through the strainer milk with gelatin. The second part of milk slightly heat and dissolve sugar or honey in it, add vanillin or cinnamon. Combine both parts of the milk, pour into a mold and leave it in the refrigerator to freeze overnight. To remove the jelly from the mold, lower it for a few seconds into boiling water.

Decorate with fruits

Extraordinary deliciously obtained milk jelly with fruit. To do this, any soft fruit (oranges, tangerines, peaches, apricots, kiwi), as well as berries: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, will fit. For the preparation of milk-fruit jelly, fruit should be prepared: remove the bones, cut into slices, peaches and citrus fruits should be slightly blanched in syrup, and then let it drain. The simplest option is to prepare the jelly according to the recipe given above, but put fruit on the bottom of the mold. If there are a lot of fruit, increase the amount of gelatin - take a half a kilo of fruit, take an additional 1.5 st. spoons of gelatin. If you want the fruit to be in jelly layers, you have to tinker. In the form pour in a very little milk-gelatin mixture, wait for the full hardening, lay a layer of fruit, pour in a little more jelly. Repeat the procedure several times. You can crush fruit in a blender or use fruit and berry fresh, too, will be delicious.

Desert antidepressant

Milk chocolate jelly will give strength and energize for the whole day, milk and coffee jelly will give strength and vivacity. In addition, these are very beautiful layered desserts that delight the eye and inspire new ideas. To prepare these desserts you need a lot of time: every layer of jelly must be in time to freeze. First, soak gelatin in milk in the above ratio. For milk chocolate jelly, cook hot chocolate (melt the chocolate in a water bath and fill with cream), and for milk-coffee boil natural strong coffee (ground coffee is not suitable). The second part of the gelatin fill coffee or chocolate in the proportions indicated on the gelatin package. When gelatin swells, lightly heat the liquid and mix until it dissolves completely. Strain the liquid. In the form, pour 1/3 of the milk gelatin mixture, put into the refrigerator until completely hardened, pour 1/3 of the coffee-gelatin or chocolate-gelatin mixture over the frozen milk jelly. When the second layer solidifies, repeat the procedure twice more. To ensure that the mixture is not frozen before the time, keep them in the microwave, preheated and slowly cooling the oven or just in a warm place.