Soup diet

Until now, there is heated debate - whether to enter the daily diet of soup or not. More and more often young people snack on the run with sandwiches, and their grandmothers, looking at this, disapprovingly shake their heads and move closer to the plate of fragrant, rich soup. They, like no other, know that the soup is able to both sate and warm, and at the same time its caloric content is negligible. There are a number of soup diets - a diet on the Bonn soup , a diet on vegetable soups, a diet on a celery soup , a diet on onion soup . All of them are very effective and have a lot of positive feedback. In this article you will find the most popular recipes for diets on soups.

Bonn cabbage soup

To adhere to this simple diet at the Bonn soup (it is also called a diet on cabbage soup) can be at any time of the year, and it does not require special expenses. And along with the soup (in the dish of which, by the way, only 40 kcal) you will get a lot of vitamins, minerals and all the useful substances in vegetables. Vegetable soup can be eaten as much as you want and at the same time lose weight by 6 kg per week. And the secret of this amazing Bonn soup is quite simple: take cabbage, 5 carrots, 500 g of string beans, 5 tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, 100 ml of tomato juice, 2 small onions, a bunch of celery, 2 broth cubes and greens (parsley, dill) taste. All vegetables cut into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan and pour water to cover the vegetables. After the water boils, cook over low heat until the cabbage is soft. Then season the soup to taste.

Also during the week should strictly adhere to the recommendations on nutrition for each day soup diet:

Day 1 - in addition to soup, you eat any fruit (bananas are excluded) and drink plenty of liquid, including unsweetened tea and coffee.

ІІ day - except soup you can eat any raw vegetables, and for lunch you can eat baked potatoes. Drink on this day is recommended only water.

ІІІ day - on this day you can eat any vegetables and fruits (except bananas and potatoes) and soup. You need to drink non-carbonated water, at least 2 liters per day (if you decide to stop the soup diet after the third day, weight loss will be up to 3 kg).

IV day - you need to eat soup and all vegetables and fruits (if you eat bananas, limit their consumption to two per day). Drink this day you can skim milk and water.

V day - except soup, you can vary your menu with a piece of boiled chicken (600 grams per day) and several fresh tomatoes. In a day you must drink 2 liters of water.

VI day - add to the soup a piece of chicken baked in the oven (600 grams per day) and any vegetables (except potatoes). Drink plenty of water with plenty of food.

VII day - on the last day of the diet you can eat in addition to the soup brown rice and any vegetables. All day you drink only water.

Diet on vegetable soups

Diets on vegetable soups should not be adhered to for long, but its effectiveness will not leave you indifferent - 10 kg in a minus for a week. The principle of this soup diet is that during the day it is necessary to eat only vegetable soup without bread. For example, on the first day of a diet, you cook mushroom dietary soup (dried mushrooms soak in water, then boil, seasoning the soup to taste) and eat it in small portions 5-6 times a day. The next day, cook lean borsch, then soup puree from any vegetables (except potatoes), on the fourth day you can cook carrot soup, on the fifth - onion soup, on the sixth day - cabbage soup. The main rule of this diet is not to use vegetable and animal fats, meat, potatoes and legumes in cooking these soups.

To adhere to such a diet on vegetable soups is not recommended more than once in six months.

Celery Soup Diet

In the middle of the 20th century surgeons from the American clinic invented a special diet that helped obese patients lose weight before the operation. The basis of this diet was fat-burning soup of celery. In addition to soup, patients could eat any vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas). The results were overwhelming - patients lost weight, at least, 5 kg per week. This brought a diet on the soup of celery is very popular not only in America, but all over the world.

The recipe for a celery soup looks like this: you need 500 g of stalks of celery, a small head of cabbage, 1 large carrot, 1 onion, 4 fresh tomatoes and 2 Bulgarian peppers. Vegetables cut into cubes, put in pots and pour 3 liters of water. Salt and pepper to taste. Bring the water to a boil, and then reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables become soft.

Diet on onion soup

The diet, based on the onion soup, is designed for 3 days. The birthplace of this soup diet is France, although classic onion French soup is brewed on meat broth, but we will cook soup only on the water. The diet on onion soup helps to speed up the metabolism and promises a weight loss of up to 3 kg in 3 days. During these days you will only have onion soup cooked according to a special recipe: take 6 large onions and 3 carrots and fry them a little on 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, boil 50 g of beans, 3 potatoes. Chop the greens of parsley and celery. Put all vegetables and beans in a saucepan, pour water, salt and pepper to taste and boil for 10 minutes on the lowest heat.