Chicken in a creamy sauce in the oven

A common fried or baked chicken is hard to surprise anyone. But having prepared it in a creamy sauce in the oven, you will undoubtedly receive a lot of flattering reviews from your household or guests. From the seemingly banal set of products, you get an exquisite and incredibly tasty dish, creating a worthy competition to any meat dish.

Chicken fillet baked in creamy sauce in the oven - recipe



The fillet of chicken breast is cut into several parts, each of which is beaten off with a kitchen hammer, previously covered with food film. Peeled and squeezed garlic, mix with vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper, nutmeg and coriander and rub the prepared mixture with prepared chicken. We leave it for marinating for at least one hour, and then we lay it on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cream break up to a thick and thick foam, cover it with the surface of chicken slices and put them in a preheated to 185 degrees oven and soak at this temperature for twenty-five minutes.

After the time has expired, the chicken breast will be ready.

Chicken in a creamy cheese sauce in the oven



To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you can take as a whole chicken, dividing it into portions, as well as chicken drumsticks, thighs or ham.

Prepared properly chicken meat salted and put in an oiled form or on a baking tray tightly to each other. Cream or sour cream is combined in a bowl with wine, peeled and chopped garlic. Season the sauce with salt, ground black pepper and paprika, throw hops-suneli, mix and pour them a chicken in the form.

Now put the dish in a preheated to 180 degrees oven and bake for thirty minutes. Then pritrushivayem surface of the dish grated on a grater with hard cheese and give the browned chicken another fifteen minutes. You can serve a dish directly in the form, effectively decorating it with fresh herbs and sliced ​​olives.