The child's eyes fester - what should I do?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the eyelid. This unpleasant disease brings inconvenience to the child and requires additional care from the mother. What to do if a child has a lot of eyes dying, rather than digging or rinsing - these questions worry all parents, because every child at least once in life faces this problem.

What causes the child's eyes to rot?

There are three causes of conjunctivitis:

It should be noted that in newborns eyes can fester due to impassability of the tear duct. This occurs quite often and, as a rule, is easily treated. The doctor will prescribe a special massage that will help open the tear ducts and medicines to relieve inflammation.

Viral conjunctivitis cause ARI, influenza, measles, herpes. In ARVI, suppuration of the eyes is accompanied by the corresponding symptoms: runny nose, cough, sore throat. Depending on the virus that caused the disease, a certain medicine is prescribed. These can be drops (for example, interferon), ointments (tetracycline) or Acyclovir (for herpes).

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a consequence of angina, sinusitis, diphtheria. It is caused by staphylococcus, pneumococcus, gonococcus. This kind of conjunctivitis is accompanied by purulent secretions, swelling of the eyelids.

If the allergy causes the child's eyes to fester, this is often accompanied by additional symptoms:

In this case, you need to determine the allergen, eliminate contact with it. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications to ease the condition.

Treatment is most often done at home. Hospitalization requires only the most difficult situations. Nevertheless, before deciding what to treat, if the child has a festering eye, you need to talk with your doctor. The specialist should diagnose and prescribe certain procedures and preparations. Self-treatment here is not welcome.

First aid to a child whose eyes are festering

  1. Flushing. Each eye is wiped with a new cotton swab, gently moving from the outer corner to the inner corner. For washing, you can use herbal decoctions (eg chamomile), a solution of furacilin. The first day of this procedure should be done every 2 hours. Then 2-3 times a day.
  2. After washing, disinfectants are used (drops, ointments).