Rice in microwave oven

We have already found out that it is possible not only to heat food in a microwave oven, but also to prepare a great variety of dishes. It's time to figure out how and how much you need to cook rice in the microwave.

How to cook fried rice in a microwave?

What can be tastier and more beautiful than crumbly rice, when the grain to the grain? The question is rhetorical, but the question of how to prepare such a rice in the microwave oven still requires an answer.

To begin with, rice should be thoroughly rinsed. Next, put it in a special microwave oven, add water and salt. Close the lid and place the container in the microwave. We cook at full power for 17-18 minutes. During this time, rice needs to be mixed several times. After cooking, give rice a little bit, 5-10 minutes, relax under the lid. After mixing and enjoying - you do not need to wash the rice, it turned out beautiful, crumbly and tasty.

How to cook rice in the microwave for sushi?

Sushi and rolls have recently become an incredibly popular dish, and more people are daring to make their homes. The main requirement for rice for sushi - it should stick together, that is, the recipe for crumbly rice is definitely not suitable for us. Therefore, for sushi to be tasty and keep the shape, rice must be welded correctly, as we will now tell you.

Rinse rice with water until the water becomes clear. Next, pour the rump with cold water and leave the minutes for 30-45, during this time the rice will swell. Next, put the rice in a bowl or pan for a microwave, fill it with water and send it to the oven. Water should be taken 1.5 times more than rice. Prepare 300 grams of rice for about 7 minutes at full microwave power. In the process of cooking, stir the rice, every 2-3 minutes. Ready rice mixed with vinegar for sushi, lay out on foil and leave to cool.

Chicken Recipe with Rice in the Microwave

After the technology of cooking rice in the microwave is mastered, you can begin to prepare more complex dishes, for example, chicken with rice, a kind of plov in the microwave.

We go through and wash a glass of long rice. We put it in a glass two-liter pot and pour two glasses of water. We put in the microwave at an average power for 10 minutes. During the preparation, rice should be mixed once, 5 minutes after the rice is placed in the oven.

We release two chicken legs from the skin, cut out all the bones and cut the meat into large pieces. On vegetable oil fry (you have to use a plate), onions and two carrots, all large-chopped. Add to the vegetables meat and spices, fry. After 5-7 minutes remove from heat and add to the rice. All mix, dosalivayem, if necessary, put 2-3 cloves of garlic and close the lid. We put the pan in the stove. Hold for 15 minutes at 80% microwave power. While the pilaf is cooked, do not forget to periodically open the stove and mix the rice. After the stove off, and leave the rice "walk" for another 10 minutes under the lid.

If there is no way to fry meat and vegetables in a frying pan, or you want to do without fried food, you can cook everything in the microwave. First you need to boil rice in a microwave, as in the case of frying. Then put the prepared meat in a bowl (glass pan), pour oil and cover with a lid. We put meat in the microwave. We keep it there for 5 minutes at full capacity of the furnace. Next, add large-cut onions and carrots and 0.5 cups of water. Put everything in the microwave and cook at the same power for 3 minutes. Next, mix rice with meat and vegetables, add spices, garlic and put in the oven for 15 minutes. We set the microwave at 50% capacity.