How to cleanse the body before a diet?

Cleaning is required in two cases. The first is to ensure that the subsequent dietary cleansing is more effective. Getting rid of the products of decay, deposited in the intestine, during the diet , our body will be able to deal exclusively with weight loss and fat splitting.

The second case is an obvious malaise of the organism overflowing with "dirt". If you are almost used to your swelling, blurry complexion and hair, problems with stools, fatigue and lack of strength, then you urgently need to get rid of excess weight. We offer you two effective ways how to cleanse the body before a diet and before moving to a healthy lifestyle.

Two-day cleaning

The first way, how to clean the intestine before a diet - is not just a useful, but also a delicious combination of "cleaning" products.

We need:

Dried fruits should be passed through a meat grinder, mixed with hay and syrup. This mixture must be eaten every morning on an empty stomach, or at night before going to bed, and then the diet cleansing the body of toxins will show its effect in the morning.

The agent acts as an excellent laxative. It should be used no more than two days.

Diet for cleansing

We will be cleaned with a weekly diet.

We need:

This is a diet that cleanses the liver of toxins. The liver is a filtering organ, it works without interruption and protects the body from all sorts of poisons - alcohol, antibiotics, nicotine, and fatty fried foods.

The purpose of this diet is to cleanse both the liver and the intestines. Thanks to the elimination of toxins, slags, not derived decay products from the body, you have the opportunity to get rid of cellulite, since it is the result of the accumulation of the same poisons under the skin.

For a diet, you need to prepare a vegetable broth, in which you can add a little oatmeal. Vegetables need to be filled with olive or peanut butter, or apple cider vinegar, but not salt. Between meals you need to drink tea and mineral water in large quantities, as the liquid helps to remove the products of decay.

As for rice, then it must be pre-soaked in water for the night, otherwise you will spend a very long time to cook it. Rice can not be salted or refueled with oil.

Duration of the diet is from 6 to 9 days.