Foods that purify the liver

From the health of baking, the general condition of the body depends to a large extent. But over time, it accumulates harmful substances and toxins. To get rid of them will help products that purify the liver. Conditionally they can be divided into two large groups: plant origin and animal origin.

What are the plant products that purify the liver?

When asked which foods the liver loves, specialists respond in the following way: first of all, certain vegetables, fruits and herbs. The most useful in this regard include:

Animals products for liver cleansing

Extremely useful are any sour-milk products, cleansing the liver as carefully and positively affecting the other systems of the body. Choose for this should be low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, ryazhenka , yogurt, yogurt. Liver decoction is also promoted by lean boiled meat, best of all turkey or rabbit, and fish, boiled or baked eggs. It is enough to eat these foods 3 times a week.