Pumpkin seeds for weight loss

Many people like to snap sunflower seeds at leisure, someone sunflower, some - pumpkin. It is known that the latter have a mass of useful properties and have a very beneficial effect on human health. In this connection, the question arises: is it possible to use pumpkin seeds for weight loss? After all, in the period of food restrictions, the body often suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals.

What is the use of pumpkin seeds?

The usefulness of pumpkin seeds is due to their amazing composition. In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, they are rich in almost complete complex of B vitamins (which stimulates metabolism and fat burning in the body), as well as vitamins A, E, K, and C. In addition, this simple product hides large amounts of iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and some other minerals.

Such a rich composition allows not only to maintain the body during weight loss, but also directly helps the disappearance of excess kilograms, since the B group vitamins stimulate the production of thyroid hormones that are involved in the metabolism process, and vitamin C makes it easier to release already accumulated fats. Treatment with pumpkin seeds is possible with many diseases of the internal organs, as well as with avitaminosis.

After that, the question of whether pumpkin seeds are useful, disappears by itself, because this product is able to replace the whole vitamin complex!

Pumpkin Seeds: Calories

Despite the obvious benefit of such a product for weight loss, it is still difficult to call it dietary. It's no secret that nuts and seeds are generally high in calories. How many calories are there in pumpkin seeds? This figure is very high: 538 calories per 100 grams. In addition, the composition of such seeds in a large proportion is represented by fats.

Seeds are a product that we can snap for hours, but this will not affect the figure in the best way. In handling such a product it is important to know the measure, otherwise all the medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds can not please you against the background of gain in weight.

Contraindications to the use of pumpkin seeds

With moderate consumption of pumpkin seeds can not do harm unless you have an individual intolerance.

With care, one should treat their large quantities, since in the presence of stones in the liver and kidneys, a painful shift in their appearance may occur because of the strong choleretic effect. In addition, the use of such seeds in large quantities can lead to an increase in body weight.

If you eat them literally one handful per day - problems due to their use should arise.

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss

We'll figure out how you can use this product for weight loss. We will have several options:

  1. Monodiet . Such a short diet will get rid of 2-3 kilograms, collected for the holidays. To do this, all that is required is to take 200 grams of sunflower seeds and during the day, when you are hungry, eat a few pieces, slowly chewing and washing down a glass of water. Continue this diet can not more than 2-3 days, because it is not balanced. Instead of tea, you can supplement this diet with a decoction of pumpkin seeds.
  2. Similarly to the proposed mono-diet, you can spend unloading days . To do this, for 1 or more months twice a week, you need to arrange unloading, during which only eat seeds and drink only water. Such days should be strictly regular and not stand in a row (for example, Tuesday and Friday). The effect will be slow, but will persist for a long time.

Using such simple methods, you can maintain your figure and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.