Cake on a frying pan - recipe

Despite the fact that basically cakes are cooked in the oven, there are times when it is impossible to do, but you really want to have a sweet one. So if your oven breaks down or you just need to quickly make a dessert, we'll tell you how to make a cake in a frying pan.

Cake in a frying pan with sour cream

Sour cake in a frying pan is prepared very easily and quickly, and the result is simply wonderful.


For the cake:

For cream:


Mix the softened butter with sour cream and sugar. Soda separately extinguish with vinegar and pour into the dough. Then add thereto 2 tbsp. flour and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the remainder of the flour on the table and knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Divide it into 5-6 equal parts.

Each part roll to get a thin round cake. Fry the frying pan, do not grease it, put the dough and fry the cakes on both sides until ready. Then prepare the cream. To do this, simply combine all the ingredients and whip them with a mixer.

Cool the cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts, if desired, and let the cake be infused overnight.

Sponge cake on a frying pan



Eggs beat up with a mixer until air foam forms, then add sugar to them and whisk again. Pour in the milk and mix again, and then send the oil there. In the received weight accurately enter a flour, a baking powder and vanillin, and mix dough.

To make a biscuit cake in a frying pan, take an aluminum pan, oil the bottom with oil, pour the dough into it and put it on the smallest fire, before covering the burner with the flame divider. When your biscuit is ready, cut it into pieces in the form of cakes, or cut into cakes, grease with your favorite cream and serve as a cake.

Cake "Emerald Turtle" on a frying pan

Cake "Turtle" in a frying pan is prepared literally in 15-20 minutes, but your children will just be delighted with this delicacy.


For the test:

For cream:

For decoration:


Start cooking your cake with cream. To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan, break the eggs into it, add flour, vanillin and sugar. Whip all the ingredients with a whisk, and place the saucepan on a slow fire. Prepare the cream, stirring all the time until it thickens. When it is ready, add butter and cover the pan with a lid so that the cream does not cool.

Now make the dough: combine the condensed milk in a bowl with the egg, mix them thoroughly, then send the soda, which is extinguished with vinegar, and pour in the flour. Knead the dough, then divide it into 8 equal parts, roll them out and pierce the fork in several places.

Frying pan, heat, and bake cakes on medium heat for 1 minute from each side. Finished cakes grease with cream, do not forget to walk on the sides. Kiwi peel and cut into slices, decorate them with the whole surface of the cake and serve to the table with tea.

Please note that to decorate the cake is not necessary to use kiwi, you can take any other fruit of your choice.