Puree with pear for babies

Fruit purees can be introduced into the baby's diet after 6 months, when he was already introduced to the vegetable lure. And for these purposes it is desirable to choose fruits that grow in our region. Great for making fruit pear pear. On the one hand, this fruit is hypoallergenic. And on the other hand is also very useful. In the pear a lot of vitamins and trace elements, in particular folic acid, vitamins B1, C, P, carotene. By the way, it is also easier to digest than an apple. How to cook a pear baby, we now tell you.

Pear puree for babies

For mashed potatoes, ripe fruits will suit, hard and sour grades are best left for a later period.



Pears carefully washing, peeled from the skin and seeds, flesh cut into small cubes. We put it in a small saucepan and pour water. It should be so much that the pear was only covered with liquid. On a small fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 7-10 minutes. After this, the pear is wiped through a sieve or crushed with a blender. If you want a softer consistency, you can add a little broth, in which the fruit was cooked.

If the baby has well received mashed potatoes with a boiled pear, you can slowly introduce a fresh fruit. To do this, the pear is also thoroughly washed, peeled and cored, and the flesh is rubbed on the middle grater.

Recipe for mashed potatoes with apple juice for babies



We cleaned the washed pear and cut it into cubes, put it into a saucepan, add freshly squeezed apple juice. Under the closed lid, simmer for about 7 minutes. After that, turn the resulting mass into puree with a blender or a mixer. Such puree is good to give the baby in a warm form.

You can diversify the baby's diet by making mashed potatoes or mashed potatoes for babies .