What vitamins are in a banana?

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the ancient Malaysian archipelago were grown and daily used to eat an amazing fruit - a banana, appreciated it for its medicinal qualities and stunning taste. Today, this fruit is no longer considered an exotic delicacy, it can be purchased in almost any store, but even nowadays the fruit is famous for its unique useful properties and rich composition.

What vitamins are in a banana?

Even hundreds of years ago, scientists told about what vitamins are contained in bananas. Here are the most basic and vital substances with which this fruit is filled:

  1. Vitamin C , thanks to which the banana is able to strengthen the immune system, protect the body from viral diseases.
  2. Vitamin E , which is available in a sufficient amount in a banana, is an excellent assistant in maintaining the functions of the liver and is responsible for the easy assimilation of proteins and fats.
  3. B group vitamins that abound in a banana help restore normal sleep, significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is thanks to these substances that doctors advise to use a banana for women during critical days, because it can relieve pain and reduce bleeding. Vitamin B6 increases the hemoglobin content and promotes the production of serotonin, a hormone of good mood and pleasure.
  4. Potassium . The element restores the proper functioning of the liver, maintains the heart muscle in a normal state, strengthens the bones and teeth.
  5. Tryptophan . Talking about what vitamins contain a banana, you just can not not say about this substance. Tryptophan controls brain function and directly affects the human psyche.

It is possible to enumerate all the healing properties of this fruit indefinitely and talk about what vitamins are in a banana, but it's enough just to say that this amazing fruit is both useful and tasty.