Corn salad

Corn salad can be cooked year-round. Bright grains will give the dish not only a pleasant sweetish taste, but also a summer mood even at a time when mountains of snow lie outside the window. Among other things, corn is well combined with a variety of ingredients and can be served in cold and warm snacks.

Corn salad - recipe



With thin straws, slice the sweet pepper and let it in the frying pan along with the broccoli inflorescences until soft. Mix the warm vegetables with sliced ​​cucumber, corn and tomatoes, add onion greens and serve, watering with butter and lemon juice. In addition, sprinkle a salad with corn cob granular cottage cheese.

Salad with cornflakes and tomatoes

To make a salad more diverse texture can be with the help of crackers, seeds and nuts, but if you are tired of the proposed monotony, then complement your snack with corn flakes.



Slice the ham into thin strips. Chop the tender leaves of Peking cabbage, and divide the tomato and cucumber into circles. Proceed to picking the salad. At the bottom of the salad bowl, lay the cornflakes, cover them with a layer of ham and grease the meat with mayonnaise. Next, put thin slices of fresh cucumbers and cabbage, and then again mayonnaise. In the final, fill the dish with tomato slices spreading them over the surface.

How to cook corn salad with crab sticks?

We all know and love the classic "Crab", but what if we make it a little more original, adding a sharp horseradish to the dressing, and adding corn to the company of canned peas.



Boil the hard-boiled eggs, chop them and mix with finely chopped crab meat. Add the pieces of onions, previously scalded them. Combining all the ingredients, pour the beans and dress the dish with a simple dressing of mayonnaise and horseradish.