Cream with condensed milk - the best ways to prepare a tasty filling for desserts

Delicious and well-prepared cream with condensed milk is able to transform a boring dessert, such filling will not spoil the treat, on the contrary will make it more appetizing. Apply the filling not only for cakes, but for eclairs, wafer tubules, desserts without baking, some recipes can be used to decorate delicacies.

Prescription cream with condensed milk

To get a delicious cream with condensed milk, you need to follow simple rules that will help make a quality filling for dessert and it is appropriate to use it.

  1. The recipe for cream with condensed milk and butter is basic, it can be adjusted, taking into account the needs of those who will try dessert.
  2. To balance the sugary cream can be added sour cream, cream, curd mass or cream chicha.
  3. Condensed milk, whether whole or cooked, is added to the base of almost any cream (custard, creamy) in the last place, mixed until homogeneous.
  4. For a different kind of dessert, a cream with a condensed milk of suitable consistency is used, if it is necessary to fill the profiteroles, tubes, nuts, a thick cream is suitable. Fill sand cakes or biscuits with a creamy liquid.
  5. If the cream has a bad shape, supplement the composition with gelatin, soaked in warm water.
  6. You can not add melted butter to the cream, it will break up, there will be oily droplets that will not add to it the quality characteristics. To add it is necessary warm oil of a room temperature, so at beating the cream will turn out magnificent, air and easy.
  7. You do not need to use liquid fillings, such as alcohol, in the preparation of such cream, it is better to replace it with flavoring or thick liqueurs.

Cream with condensed milk and butter

Universal oil cream with condensed milk for the cake is prepared quickly and easily. Be sure to use not melted butter, but simply thawed, it should be soft, malleable for whipping. Saturated with such filling any cakes: biscuit, puff or sand, the basic recipe allows filling the composition with fragrant ingredients: liqueur, chocolate or cocoa.



  1. Mix the butter until white.
  2. To introduce gradually condensed milk.
  3. Pour Baileys, mix, apply after cooling for 20 minutes.

Cream with condensed milk and sour cream

Sour cream with condensed milk is easier than oil, it is good for impregnating any cakes, filling desserts. Sour cream is used fat 25%, if it does not become lush with whipping, you can add a cream thickener, condensed milk is used both fresh and boiled, you can use condensed cream.



  1. Oil whisk to white, add sour cream, vanillin.
  2. Add condensed milk, stir until homogeneous.
  3. The cream with sour cream and condensed milk should be cooled for 30 minutes.

Creamy cream with condensed milk for a cake

Cream cream with condensed milk can make a cook who has a favorable experience with whipping cream, it is important not to overdo it and do not make butter. Apply cream at least 33% fat, condensed milk will come in both fresh and boiled, complement the recipe with vanilla, flavoring "Brandy" or "Rom", in its pure form, alcohol can affect the consistency of the finished cream and make it more liquid.



  1. Beat cream until peaks, pouring powder.
  2. Separately, whisk the butter to white, add condensed milk and flavor.
  3. Combine the spatula with both creams, mix, apply a cream with condensed milk immediately.

Custard with condensed milk - recipe

Preparing the custard with condensed milk and butter is very simple, fast, but you can not leave the plate, the milk quickly burns and the filling can be hopelessly spoiled. The cream is quickly boiled, according to the classic recipe, without the addition of eggs, condensed milk is added at the end, into the cooled mass. Before use, the custard should be completely cooled and thoroughly thickened.



  1. Mix flour with sugar in the saucepan, add milk, mix.
  2. Boil until boiling, constantly stirring.
  3. After thickening, cool.
  4. In the cooled cream to enter a soft oil, whip with a mixer.
  5. Add condensed milk, beat again.
  6. You can apply this cream immediately.

Cottage cheese cream with condensed milk

To cottage cheese cream with condensed milk for a cake turned out to be homogeneous, without grains, the curd itself needs to be pierced with a blender and additionally wiped through a sieve. If there is no time, you can buy ready-made curd mass, but you need to consider that, as a rule, it is already sweet, in this case, the sugar from the recipe needs to be removed.



  1. Beat butter with sugar.
  2. Enter the curd mass and vanillin.
  3. Beat to a smooth smooth mass.
  4. Cottage cheese cream with condensed milk is immediately ready for use.

Cream for eclairs with condensed milk

The best thing for eclairs is a protein cream with condensed milk. It comes out very delicate and not liquid, thanks to gelatin, so to fill the covings will become an ideal filling. Another important advantage of this cream is the duration of its storage, in the refrigerator for two days, it will not lose its qualities.



  1. Soak gelatin in water for 30 minutes, warm to dissolve granules, set aside.
  2. Beat butter with condensed milk until lush. Combine with gelatin, mix thoroughly.
  3. From water and sugar weld a thick syrup.
  4. Beat the proteins to the spikes, pouring hot syrup.
  5. Connect two masses, mix with spatula until uniform.
  6. This cream for profiteroles with condensed milk is immediately ready for use.

Lemon cream with condensed milk

A simple base cream for wafer cakes with condensed milk and butter can be transformed by adding a lemon flavor. This extraordinary treat for a long time will become a favorite in every house where there are sweet tooth. This filling is prepared according to the recipe of the citrus Kurd, and the condensed milk will make it more creamy and sweet. Store it for several days in a refrigerator in a sealed container.



  1. Grate yellow peel of lemon on a fine grater, without hitting the white peel.
  2. Squeeze out the citrus juice, mix with the zest.
  3. Sprinkle sugar, add yolks, whisk.
  4. Put on a small fire, cook over minimal heat until thickened.
  5. Add butter, condensed milk.
  6. Cool completely, apply to impregnate any cakes and fill desserts.

Cream for wafer tubules with condensed milk

To ensure that the cream with condensed milk and boiled oil does not flow out of the tubes and does not affect the crisp characteristics of the base, it must be thick, dense and very oily. To thicken it is possible to add nut crumb to the composition, it will add the original taste to the dessert and will change its quality. It is more convenient to fill the tubes with a confectionery syringe, if there was not one, use the package, cutting one corner.



  1. Beat butter, adding gradually condensed milk.
  2. Pour out the nuts and mix thoroughly.
  3. Cool the cream for 20 minutes.

Banana cream with condensed milk

A good way to diversify chocolate biscuit cakes is to make a banana cream for a cake with condensed milk. Even the most bored recipe will be transformed, thanks to this not cunning filling. If there is a chocolate, coffee or milk liqueur, it certainly needs to be added to the composition, so the taste qualities of the cream will be an order of magnitude higher.



  1. Oil whisk to a white fluffy cream.
  2. Wet the condensed milk, mix thoroughly.
  3. Bananas should be added to the cream.
  4. Pour Baileys, stir, apply immediately.

Cream for "nuts" with condensed milk

Chocolate cream with condensed milk will be an ideal filling for home cookies "Nuts", not superfluous will be nuts, which can be added to the cream crushed or put in each cookie on the core of almonds. The composition can be added melted bitter chocolate or quality dark cocoa powder. Fill nuts with a soft cream, this is necessary for high-quality fastening of halves, during cooling it will harden.



  1. Chocolate melt, mix with soft butter.
  2. Combine the chocolate mass with condensed milk and nuts.
  3. Fill the biscuits immediately, you can try in 20-30 minutes.

Cream cheese with condensed milk

To decorate small desserts, such as capkeys, you can make a cream of curd cheese with condensed milk, it perfectly holds the shape, has a pleasant creamy flavor and can be well dyed with gel dyes. For the cream to become more stable, before use it must stand in the refrigerator for about 3 hours.



  1. Mix the condensed milk with espresso.
  2. Whip the cream cheese, add the condensed milk.
  3. Beat until fluffy dense condition.
  4. Cool for several hours, put on the surface of the dessert with a confectionery bag.