Daffodils from corrugated paper

Every caring mother wants to develop her child not only physically and mentally, but also creatively. This requires a desire and imagination. But fantasy is "dozing" and one has to look for ideas in different sources. In this article we will tell you about one of the opportunities to spend time with benefit, namely, we will teach you how to make a daffodil from paper.

Narcissus of paper consists of one crown, six perianth leaves, a stem and leaves.

They often use corrugated paper in such articles, as in our master class of roses and tulips . Due to its properties, it stretches well, is dense enough, it can be given any shape. A variety of color shades make crepe paper irreplaceable for decoration of premises and drawing up of bouquets.

For craft paper we will need:

Here are the step-by-step instructions for making daffodils from paper with your own hands:

  1. Take a piece of corrugated paper. Cut out of it two rectangles. The first is 3.5 cm by 7 cm, the second is 3 by 9 cm in size. These are the petals of the narcissus. Do you know that the petals of the narcissus are actually called the petal-like leaves of the perianth?
  2. Take a strip of shorter length, a felt-tip pen (or a pen-like object, similar to a circle around a circle: a pen, a pencil). We wrap the tip of the marker with a strip so that there remains approximately 1-1.5 cm of strips along the length.
  3. We begin to twist the free edge of the corrugated strip, making a kind of "tail".
  4. At this point, it is important to hold the edge of the strip at the same time to avoid unwinding the paper.
  5. Carefully take out the felt-tip pen from the prepared roll. This is the core of the flower. If you wish, you can make it a little easier: cut out a rectangle, twist the edge outward and twist into a wide tube. This way will allow you to reduce time.
  6. Now it was the turn of the second harvested rectangle of corrugated paper, the one that is longer (3 * 9 cm).
  7. Fold the sheet in half, then one-third and fold one more third. It turns out six folded small rectangle.
  8. Cut the edge of the leaf along the outline, giving it the shape of a petal.
  9. Straighten the petals in width, it turns like a crown. If you want diversity, the petals can simply be cut out of white corrugated paper.
  10. Take the previously made roll, removed from the felt-tip pen, and wrap around it the prepared petals. The basis of the daffodil from the creme paper is twisted into a ponytail.
  11. Straighten the petals.
  12. For the fringe of the flower, take the scissors and cut the top of our crown, making small incisions with a small gap between them.
  13. Straighten each notch, bending it outward from the flower.
  14. The straw for the cocktail is cut in length, depending on how large the flower is. Wide tubes are best not to use, they look very cumbersome with a crown of a small flower.
  15. Spread a transparent glue on the tail of the flower and insert it inside the straw.
  16. From the remaining scraps of the straw we make the leaves of the narcissus. We cut a piece of straw by its length in half. If desired, the leaves can be cut from corrugated paper green.
  17. We give the cut shape to the straw, cutting off its edges.
  18. We glue the leaf to the stem.
  19. If desired, we make a few daffodils from corrugated paper to give the composition a volume and put them in a vase. Since narcissus flowers are laconic, which do not require additional decor, the vase itself and additional attributes are of no fundamental importance.

Dare, fantasize, try and make other flowers from corrugated paper! Or maybe your child will want to make a bouquet of candy flowers? Then fasten the candies on wooden sticks. And then follow around the flower, as described earlier.