Diet for 2 months

According to dieticians, long-term diets are the safest for the body and the most effective. Although with this method of nutrition, kilograms will disappear slowly, but there are more chances that they will not return back. The decrease in weight in this case will not be due to the removal of excess fluid, but due to the splitting of fat.

The number of long-term diets includes a diet for 2 months. The advantage of this method of nutrition is that the kilograms go away without damage to health: the nails and hair remain healthy, the skin does not sag. In addition, during this time there is a strong habit of not overeating and living without sweet.

Weight loss for 2 months can be up to 20 kilograms. The exact figure will depend on the amount of excess weight , the correctness of the recommendations and physical activity.

Menu diet for 2 months

During a long diet in the diet should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Food should be divided: 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water. Prohibited are liquids such as sweet juices and drinks, strong tea, alcoholic beverages.
  3. In the period from 6 to 12 hours, only dairy products can be consumed: cheese, cottage cheese and low fat sour cream, natural yogurt and kefir.
  4. In the time period from 12 to 15 hours, only lean meats should be eaten: rabbit, turkey fillet and chicken. Meat can be baked in the oven, cook for a couple, cook. At the same time, you can afford to add to the meat greens and a little onions or carrots.
  5. From 15 to 18 hours you can eat fish. It is recommended to eat cod, steamed, hake, sometimes salted salmon and trout.
  6. After 18 hours you can eat any raw vegetables or fruits. Vegetable salad can be filled with olive oil.

The diet for 2 months is quite effective, however, in order to hold out so much time, you will need will and a strong desire to lose weight.