Diet Kim Protasov - detailed description

While the thinness is in fashion, the diets will not lose their relevance, even if you can not lose weight with their help at all. On the one hand, nutrition is the main impetus for weight loss, and on the other, it is really difficult to lose weight on a diet, because a person who ate the most delicious and beloved - fat and sugar, can not just abandon their habits.

For effective weight loss, you need to choose diets that will not frighten our brains with limitations. Now we will consider a detailed description of the diet of Kim Protasov - a food system that does not limit either the time of ingestion or the size of portions.

Principles of diet

Kim Protasov is a well-known Israeli dietician. Description of the diet Kim Protasov first appeared in 1999 in the issue of the newspaper "Russian Israeli". The title of the article was written with a characteristic humor for the nation - "A thin cow - not yet a gazelle".

Since that time, this system of weight loss has attracted many to just insignificant limitations, which for a week become familiar.

The duration of the diet for weight loss Kim Protasov - 5 weeks (and less and can not be, if it comes to healthy weight loss).

Let's look in detail every week.

Week 1 and 2:

In addition, tea without sugar and without restrictions, a minimum of drinking non-carbonated water - 2 liters per day.

Week 3, 4, 5:

Vegetables and milk products can be eaten in any quantity, at any time of the day. The restriction applies only to products with a previously agreed amount.

Actually, there are no other rules.

As for the allowed products in the diet of Kim Protasov:

The Benefits of a Diet

Already after the first week you realize that there is nothing but your greenery you already do not want. It's amazing how easily the body gets used to what does not have the nature of a ban.

Due to the low sugar content in your diet (in principle, sugar can be said to be completely absent), the pancreas work and insulin production are normalized. Due to this, after the end of the diet, you do not pounce on the sweet.

A large amount of calcium and protein contributes to the cleavage of adipose tissue, and a diet rich in vegetables will not give rise to avitaminosis .


The diet of Kim Protasov is contraindicated in people with any gastrointestinal problems. Starchy vegetables and fat cover the mucous membrane of the organs, preventing irritation, heartburn and nausea. A large number of vegetables can cause an increase in acidity. In addition, such a diet is contraindicated in any chronic illness.

Quitting the diet

The way out of the diet of Kim Protasov should last at least two weeks. During this period, you need to continue to actively eat vegetables and dairy products. To increase the caloric content of the menu, you need this way:

Due to this delicate way out, you will continue to lose weight in the future. Diet helps to normalize your eating habits. You will get rid of them during these 5 weeks, so in no case, you can not immediately begin to eat normally.