A strong weak woman

At first glance, the title of the article sounds absurd, but if you look closely, then there is a certain meaning. What comes first when you hear the word "woman"? Most of us thought about the phrase "weak sex". In this connection, a woman is considered weaker than a man and where did this stereotype come from?

Since a long time, the position of the man was a priority, and the patriarchy reigned in the world. First, the man was the head of the family because he was a food-earner, then men were given a dominant role in society, because they were educated, trained in crafts, reading and writing, while the role of women was secondary.

Now the representatives of the fair sex have mastered all spheres of professional activity, political arena, sports and even mastered the skill of driving cars. The world is changing, and women are helping him in this.

Strong women of the world

Famous publications with a world name repeatedly made a rating of powerful and influential women of this world who were not afraid to throw the first challenge of the order of that time and became idols for many girls of our time.

  1. Princess Diana. Lady Diana Spencer became known after she married a member of the royal family of the Prince of Wales. She was called "monarchy with a human face," because she throughout her life was engaged in charity and helped the needy.
  2. Marilyn Monroe. Her name, this is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the sexual revolution of the past decades. Monroe became a vivid symbol of sexuality and today remains an example of inheritance for thousands of women.
  3. Marlene Dietrich. This lady became a symbol of German and American cinema in the early twentieth century, for many it will forever remain an example of "brutal femininity."
  4. Coco Chanel. She was the first to invite ladies to wear trouser suits, thereby creating a new image of femininity.

Strong woman and strong man

Such a relatively sharp change in the status of women in society could not but lead to problems in the relationship between the sexes.

Men to strong women are treated differently:

  1. For some men, a very strong woman, this is an example of sexual attraction, because they feel the need to submit to someone imperious and in relationships to be only a slave.
  2. Other men simply do not tolerate the leadership position of women, sometimes even reaching the point that they look at women leaders, women behind the wheel or simply intellectually developed ladies. Since according to the prevailing stereotype they do not want to obey the "weak sex", often with the help of demonstrating their physical strength.

This gives us the right to argue that a weak woman can be a strong person. And being such she continues to feel the need for male protection. But a stronger man beside may simply not be, so the widespread acceptance of the view that women with strong-willed character, being successful in the field of professional activity do not have happiness in their personal lives.

The appearance of new types of relationships between a man and a woman has been studied and discussed in various scientific and artistic-popular publications over the past several decades, an example of this can be the book by Miranda Lee "Strong Weak Woman."

Time dictates its laws, and we are forced to obey them. Despite this, do not forget about the equality of the sexes and the fact that women, as well as men have the full right to do what they like, build their careers and manifest themselves in public relations.