Flowers - statics

Bright and unusual flowers of lemongrass or cermeque, as the statue is called, will not only be an excellent decoration for your flower bed, but also will gladden the eye for many years in the composition of dry flower compositions. With the main varieties of dried flowers, we offer you to learn more.

Cinnamon statue

Currently, there are more than 300 species and varieties of this amazing plant, of which about 30 are widely found in culture. There are annual and perennial varieties of statics:

  1. The statuary is notorious - a popular perennial garden plant, grown as an annual, which is characterized by a powerful root rosette of leaves and small flowers collected in lushly corymbose inflorescences. Coloring of flowers can be varied, and cups are often painted in lilac or pink.
  2. Statica broadleaf - a characteristic feature of this species of Kermek is the spherical form of the bush, reaching a height of not more than 80 cm. The flowers of broad leaf are small. Coloring of flowers is violet.
  3. The statue of the Tatar is a drought-resistant plant that looks like a broad-leaved kermek, differing only from the coloration of buds. In nature it is found in the south of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Caucasus.
  4. Statue of Bonduelle - grown perennially perennial perennial height of about 90 cm with large white or yellow flowers.
  5. Statica is a tree - like shrub with a height of 100-120 cm, covered with bright pink flowers.
  6. The Chinese statue is perennial about 70 cm tall, also grown as an annual. Blooms in small yellow flowers, collected in large openwork buds.
  7. Statis Gmelina - has a medicinal properties of dried flowers, not more than 40 cm high. Characterized by large ears of tender-violet flowers.