Green coffee for weight loss: contraindications

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. Most people are used to starting a day with him, many of them do not stop, even drink it throughout the day, and some do not deny themselves a cup of strong, black coffee with delicious caramel coffee and in the evenings. However, how will you react to the fact that this black "power engineer" will be replaced by a green analog?

In Brazil, the second homeland of coffee, green coffee drank a dozen years ago. On our own shelves, this "exotic", wrapped in the mystery of origin, appeared quite recently. It's time to put all the dots over the "and". Let's determine whether green coffee is good or bad.

What is so green about?

Green coffee is made from the same grains as black coffee. Simply used to all of us black coffee, before you get on the counter, go through several stages of roasting, and this process determines its taste qualities, and is also full of its "famous" caffeine.

Coffee was originally "green". But that coffee, which is called "green" heat treatment does not pass, the grain is dried in the sun, which is why it preserves the maximum of useful minerals and oils.


Green coffee, despite our conservative consumer, has already managed to captivate the hearts of ladies. As it turned out, they lose weight from him. This feature is due to the presence in the green coffee of chlorogenic acid, which is destroyed during roasting (that is why it is not accepted to lose weight on black coffee). Chlorogenic acid in combination with caffeine speeds up metabolic processes, helping to utilize fats, and also protects the liver from obesity. In addition, chlorogenic acid serves as a wonderful antioxidant and a natural UV filter.

Coffee, as you know, gives us a sense of vivacity and energy. This is due to the impact on the nervous system. And weight loss itself occurs, both through the activation of metabolism , and due to our "coffee" energy. In this state, we are ready and hard to train, and walk on foot, instead of the usual metro, and just faster and more active move. Whether green coffee will give health or not, and promote weight loss, he certainly can. But you can not do without dirty tricks ...


After an optimistic beginning, it's time to talk about contraindications to green coffee for weight loss. It is not recommended to drink green coffee for pregnant and lactating mothers. Side effects of consumption of green coffee can be:

Like black coffee, green coffee and hypertension are not compatible, the same applies to patients with atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Although caffeine in green coffee and less than in black, this does not mean that it can be drunk, like water. Sharp pressure surges are harmful to healthy people, and even more so to hypertensive patients.

On patients with glaucoma this also spreads, you can suddenly lose sight, from increased intraocular pressure. Green coffee in combination with milk harms digestion.

Abstain from green coffee should also be a quick-tempered, unbalanced natures, since after excessive excitation, there will come a state of oppression and apathy.

And, perhaps, last, than green coffee is harmful, it is an increase in gastric acidity. It is this property that promotes weight loss, however, patients who are prone to ulcers and gastritis should avoid its consumption.

So, now you have a full set of knowledge to choose between losing weight on green coffee and total abstinence from this "greenery". We hope, having considered all the pluses and minuses of green coffee, it will not be difficult to make a choice. If you have fears, the products for weight loss in nature are enough, most importantly, do not lose weight to harm yourself!