Wine from dandelions - recipe

"Dandelion Wine" is the magic name for a magical drink. The smells and colors of the summer absorb this flower and the wine made from it. Many for some reason believe that wine from dandelions does not exist. Let our today's theme become a pleasant discovery for them.

Do you think that the recipe for wine from dandelions is another recipe for an alcoholic drink? In that case, you are deeply mistaken. The herbalist shared with us the secrets of the proper preparation of wine from dandelions, which means that the drink is curative.



So, how to make wine from dandelions? Dandelions for wine we need only the most mature. How to determine if a dandelion is ready to get into wine? It is necessary to try to wrest from the flower a bunch of yellow petals. If they are separated easily - into their bank. If the petals resist, then the dandelion is not ripe.

And here it is - a recipe for making wine from dandelions, the most fragrant and healing. The zest of the recipe is not in what, but in how to make wine from dandelions.

The wine should be cooked directly on the dandelion field, then it will be especially fragrant and useful. We take with us a large glass jar, granulated sugar and a wooden crush. Dandelion does not tolerate a touch of metal.

Right on the clearing, we break off the petals from the mature flowers, add them to the jar, pour it over with sugar and stamp it with a pestle. Thus, we must fill our bank at the very neck, and then let it stay at home in the dark place of the day for three days. During this time, the contents of the canal will very strongly settle, and we will need to repeat the entire process of collecting raw materials.

With new sugar petals, we fill our jar to the same volume, add half a liter of boiled water and leave for another three or four days. Then filter the contents of the can, as it should, pressing the petals.

Add blue (not washed!) Raisins, yeast, which are on the surface of dried grape berries, we need to save to ferment our wine. We also add freshly squeezed orange juice.

Dandelion squeezes pour boiled water, and two days later, filter, and infusion add to the jar of wine. Juice and zest of two lemons, too, add to the wine.

The bank with wine should always be in a dark place - so requires a recipe for cooking wine from dandelions. We put a rubber glove on the jar. In one of the fingers pierce the hole, so that the air will ferment during fermentation. When the glove starts to be blown off - the process of fermentation has come to an end. The time it takes about a month. Then very gently drain the young wine from the sludge with a rubber tube. Filter and store in a tightly corked container, in a cool dark place.

Inspired by the foundations of winemaking? Then, by all means try to make homemade wine from grapes , or plums .