Material culture

Each of us has needs that can be divided into spiritual and material. To do this, it is enough to recall the pyramid of the famous psychologist Maslow, in which the lower (the need for food, sex, air, etc.) and higher human gravities (desire to be a respected person, a craving for self-affirmation, a sense of security, comfort and etc.). To satisfy all of the above in the process of the historical development of mankind, classifications of cultural values ​​were formed, including material culture.

What is related to material culture?

Recall that the material culture is called the environment surrounding the person. Every day, thanks to the work of everyone, it is updated, improved. This creates a new level of life, as a result of which, the demands of society are changing.

The types of material culture include:

  1. Animals . This category includes not only livestock, but also decorative breeds of cats, birds, dogs, etc. True, cheetahs do not belong to this species. they live in the wild and have not been subjected to a process of targeted cross-breeding with other species of their own kind. And cats, dogs, in whose development a person has invaded, are a representative of material culture. Also one of such reasons is that their gene pool, appearance has been changed.
  2. Plants . Each year, the number of new varieties increases. A person achieves this by means of selection.
  3. The soil . This is the top layer of the earth, fertilizing which every farmer seeks to obtain a plentiful harvest. True, in the race for money, sometimes eco-indicators are ignored, and as a result, the earth is filled with harmful bacteria and viruses.
  4. Buildings . An equally important achievement of material culture is considered to be structures, architecture, which is created with the help of human labor. To the culture of buildings include real estate, which is constantly being improved, and thereby improving the quality of life of people.
  5. Equipment, tools . With their help, a person simplifies his work, spends on achieving something two or more times less time. This, in turn, significantly saves his life time.
  6. Transport . This category as well as the previous one is aimed at raising the standard of living of the individual . For example, earlier, when many traders went to China for silk to get from the US to this country, it took at least a year. Now it's enough to just buy an air ticket and do not have to wait 360 days.
  7. Means of communication . The area includes a miracle of technology mobile phones, the world wide web, radio, mail.

Features of material culture

It should be noted that the distinctive quality of this type of culture is the variety of human-created objects that help to adapt as quickly as possible to the fickle environmental conditions and social environment. In addition, each nation has its own material characteristics, which are specific for a certain ethnos.

Interrelation of material and spiritual culture

One of the main intermediaries between the spiritual and material world is money. So, they can be spent on the purchase of much needed food, clothes that help not to freeze in the frosty winter or simply elements of the interior. Everything depends on the desire of the person and his capabilities. With the help of this market equivalent, you can purchase a ticket for a seminar where a person will raise his level of knowledge, which is already a spiritual culture, or he can go to the theater.