Which foods contain carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are an important component of the human diet. They provide the body with energy, for maintaining the vital functions in it, both physical and intellectual. However, this medal also has two sides: our untreated calories from carbohydrates are stored by our caring organism on the sides in the form of fat folds. That is why, it is important for a person who follows his health and figure to know what foods contain carbohydrates and how they differ.

Fast carbohydrates

It is known that cake, cakes, muesli, chips, sweets and other pleasant by-products are usually the first to fall into the "stop list" of healthy food. It's simple: they are products containing many fast carbohydrates: monosaccharides and disaccharides. In other words, they contain sugar and starch in large quantities. Such products are very quickly absorbed and provoke an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, which in turn causes a sharp release of insulin. Over time, this has the opposite effect: the sugar level may fall below normal. This will give a signal to the brain centers that the stomach is empty, and you need to quickly refresh yourself. The brain will respond immediately and immediately request products containing fast carbohydrates because it remembers them as an excellent source of fast energy. Such a process can resemble a vicious circle and inevitably leads to obesity, the development of diabetes and the depletion of muscle mass.

Fast, or, as they are called - simple carbohydrates are kept in the same way in some fruits, berries and honey. But these foods are also rich in vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, if you replace them with harmful sweets, you get one good benefit, because they are also incredibly tasty.

Slow carbohydrates

Everything that was said about simple carbohydrates does not apply to another group - polysaccharides or slow carbohydrates. The principle of their action is that products containing slow carbohydrates are absorbed by the body gradually, as energy is consumed. Thus, they do not cause the release of insulin into the blood and are deposited in the form of fat stores. Slow carbohydrates are often called complex because of their molecular structure. Dietitians all over the world insist on the consumption of complex carbohydrates, because together with them all vitamins and minerals necessary for a person come into the body. In addition, they contain fiber, which is not digested at all in the gastrointestinal tract, but it positively affects its work. Products containing complex carbohydrates:

Some vegetables, for example carrots and beets have a rather controversial composition. On the one hand, they have a lot of sugar, on the other - they are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber. A similar situation with starch-containing products - potatoes, corn, etc. Abusing them can also lead to excess weight, but it is not worth completely giving up vegetables. It is enough to include them in the diet moderately - no more than 1-2 times a week.

There are also foods that contain few carbohydrates. These include:

There is no carbohydrates in the water at all. The same is with tea and coffee, if you drink them without sugar. But from packaged fruit juices, sweetened drinking yoghurts and milkshakes it's better to stay away: the amount of fast carbohydrates in them goes off scale (one portion can contain half the daily norm of an adult).

In conclusion, we can say that when choosing products in the supermarket, you need to carefully study their packaging, especially for the presence of sugar and starch. It is better to give preference to natural products that you need to prepare yourself. So you can avoid the use of unwanted fast carbohydrates.