How to eat mangoes?

Do not be skeptical when you see the title of this article. Mango fruit is exotic and many are interested in the question of how to eat mangoes, whether it is possible to eat its skin and bone.

So, there are mangoes can be both with a skin, and with a stone, and whether it is necessary? Bone is not anything interesting, and has no taste qualities, and it's difficult to get to it. So it's better to throw it away or put it in a pot, you see, the tree will grow. Is it possible to eat mango rind? Some experts believe that it is possible and even necessary, seemingly to contain useful micronutrients in the peel, which promote proper digestion. But, firstly, there are a lot of usefulness and taste in the tasty pulp, and secondly, the mango skin can cause an allergic reaction in some people, whereas they can fearlessly eat the pulp of the mango. In light of these facts, it is believed that mango should be eaten both without a stone, and without a peel - one flesh.

How to eat mangoes?

Correctly to eat mango it is necessary, having cut it on lobules, not to gnaw the same mango as an apple? Although it is possible and so, but it will look funny, and the juice will necessarily spread not only on the hands, face and clothes, but also throughout the room in which you decided to eat mango. So if there is no desire to wipe and wash everything from the juice, we eat mango in a civilized way, with the help of cutlery and after preliminary preparation. We take a fancy fruit, wash it and cut it into slices or slices. By the way, there are several ways to cut mango, choose the most convenient for you.

  1. The easiest way is to make two deep incisions from the sides of the fruit, to the bone. Then separate the halves, and enjoy the taste of the fruit, scooping the pulp with a teaspoon from the peel-plate.
  2. We clear the mango from the peel. To do this, make 4 shallow incisions along the entire length of the fruit, and carefully peel the skin. Then we cut mangoes into slices, put them on a plate and treat guests or treat ourselves.
  3. Put the mango on a flat plate and cut off on both sides 2 half-dolly. On them we make incisions crosswise, not touching the skin. So it turns out a few cubes, holding on the skin of the fruit. We turn the peel inside out and cut the cubes from it. We put the pieces of mango in a deep plate, there we pour out the remaining juice. We return to the remnants of mango, there is still a flesh on the other side of the bone. With it, carefully peel the peel. Then cut the flesh from the bone and cut it into cubes. These pieces are sent to the brothers languishing in a deep plate. Now you can eat mangoes, enjoying not only the delicious taste, but also the right form of lobules.
  4. Cut the fruit in half, carefully separating the stone. Cut out a fleshy knife from the rind. We send the skins to the garbage, and cut the flesh with beautiful slices. Pieces of fruit spread on a plate and we delight our taste buds with this amazing, juicy fruit.
  5. Cut the mango into two halves, separate the stone and scrape the pulp (if it is juicy and soft) with a spoon. Flesh spread on a plate and proceed to absorb delicious exotics.

If you decide to experiment and have acquired an immature fruit, then you can try to eat them, sprinkling the lobules with salt. They say that this way of eating mango helps to cope with thirst, it is good to quench it.

And, of course, mango can be used not only in its original form. This delicious fruit is a part of many recipes for baking, salads, cocktails, soups and ice cream. And pieces of mango can be preserved and cheerfully in the winter with a sunny slice of this yummy. So fantasize and enjoy this tasty and useful fruit.