How to cook plum jam without seeds?

This material will help you to cook tasty and flavorful jam from pitted plums. You can realize the idea both with the help of a multivark and on a plate in a saucepan.

How to cook a delicious, thick plum jam without seeds - a recipe in a multivariate



Use the multivark for cooking jam very conveniently. The billet will not burn and it will be saturated with taste with minimal time. During the whole preparation, the jam will need to be prevented only a few times, in contrast to the preparation of such a treat on a stove in a saucepan.

As you have already noticed, the ingredients in this recipe contain bananas. And this is not accidental. They will give the desired density to the jam, soften the taste and make it more balanced.

When preparing for cooking, we remove the washed plums from the bones and put them in a multicast-style potato, pouring the layers with sugar. Turn on the "Baking" mode and leave the fruit with sugar to prepare for forty minutes, a couple of times for all the time they mix.

We wait until the end of the program, then add the bananas cleaned and shredded by the blender and extend the work of the device in the same mode for another twenty minutes. Now it only remains to add the lemon juice, mix and disintegrate the preform according to previously prepared sterile glass jars. We seal the treat with boiled lids and turn it under the blanket upside down for slow cooling and self-sterilization.

How to brew a transparent plum jam "Pyatiminutka" pitted in slices - a recipe with vanillin



The implementation of this recipe will make it possible to obtain a transparent billet with whole plum slices. Such a result will be possible due to the short heat treatment of the fruit. In addition to the beautiful appearance, this jam turns out to be insanely aromatic and fresh to the taste. And for an even more interesting "bouquet" you can add a pinch of vanillin.

In order to preserve whole lobules when cooking delicacies, it is necessary to take ripe, but elastic fruits with dense flesh. Preliminary rinsing the plums under running water, cut them with a knife along the perimeter along two halves and extract the bones. Pulp lay in the vessel for cooking jam, while pouring it with sugar.

Now you need to give the plums to allocate a sufficient amount of juice. To do this, we leave the container with the workpiece for twelve to fifteen hours under room conditions, after which we place it on the fire and boil after boiling for five minutes. In order for the lobes to become well soaked with syrup, we completely cool them at room conditions, and then let them boil again, adding vanillin at this stage, and immediately dispense in sterile and dry containers. We seal the delicacy and leave it for slow cooling and self-sterilization under a warm blanket or blanket.

Plum jam pitted - recipe with cinnamon



For jam with cinnamon washed plums cut in half and remove the stone. Halves are poured into jam containers with sugar and leave at least an hour for four. We dispose of the vessel on the fire just below the average, and after boiling, weighed plums with barely noticeable boiling for twenty minutes. We let the workpiece cool down, and we remove it for twelve hours on the shelf of the refrigerator. Add the cinnamon to the bowl with delicacy, mix and boil for another twenty minutes. Hot lay out the jam on sterile and dry containers, cork and let it cool slowly, wrapped up properly.