Low-fat fish for diet

Proper nutrition is impossible without the use of fish - in this solidarity all dieticians. It is an excellent supplier of proteins, useful minerals and vitamins. But for those who are forced to count calories, only low-fat fish that are most suitable for a diet, with excess weight, hypertension, increased cholesterol and similar problems are suitable. It should also be abandoned from smoked or roasted fish fillets, or cook it in a special way.

Which fish is considered to be lean?

The percentage of fat in the dietary fish fillet should not exceed the value of four units. The most lean fish is unanimously considered cod, in which only 0.3 g of fat per hundred grams of product is found. Next come the haddock and pollock (0.5 g / 100 g), hake (0.8 g / 100 g), side (2 g / 100 g), vobla, pike and bream (3-4 g / 100 g). A large percentage of the composition is taken by protein, which is much easier to digest and much more difficult to turn into fatty deposits. Also, low-calorie fish fillets can detect amino acids, B vitamins, selenium and phosphorus, iodine and calcium and many other useful substances.

White lean fish is indicated for those who are at risk for heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. It significantly reduces the likelihood of manifestations of such pathologies. Those who regularly eat lean fish fillets for food, the cardiac system as a whole is in excellent condition, they do not suffer from arrhythmia and pressure surges. Such people have a good metabolism, there are no problems with elevated cholesterol and overweight. They suffer less from depression , chronic fatigue syndrome, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

Rules for the use of low-fat fish for a diet

Low-fat fish for a diet can be included in the diet every day, recommended dosage - no more than 300 grams of fish daily. Fish fillets can be baked, stewed or cooked, but not fried, otherwise the fish is saturated with unnecessary extra fats, carcinogens and loses a huge portion of its vitamins. The ideal side dish to it will be vegetables in any form or any low-calorie foods, for example, low-fat cheeses that are more or less acceptable with a weight loss diet. Be sure to consider the total calorie content of fish dishes, and not the energy value of just one product. The thermal treatment of fish should last at least 20 minutes, large carcasses should be prepared by sectioning into portions.