Apricot juice for the winter

Those who experience heart problems are recommended to include yellow-orange products in the diet. They are the natural source of potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the normal operation of the cardiovascular system. In summer it is necessary to eat more apricots, and to provide the body with vitamins and microelements in winter, you can roll apricot juice for the winter.

This simple process can master even a novice cook, however there are some subtleties that are worth considering. First of all, this refers to the quality of apricots: fruits should be ripe, soft, but not damaged, without rot and worms. Easy bruising is permissible, but it is better that the apricots are intact. The second - dishes. It is best to use liter or one and a half liter tightly closing bottles of juice, but it is possible and in cans or 3-liter bottles to roll apricot juice for the winter - the recipe will not change. The main condition - the dishes should be thoroughly washed and properly sterilized. Tell you how to make apricot juice for the winter. There are many options to harvest it, while retaining the maximum benefit of fruit, but not all of them are easily realized at home.

Juice for the winter

You can prepare apricot juice for the winter, letting the fruit through the juicer. This is the simplest version of canning.



Mine apricots under cold running water thoroughly, removing impurities, but trying not to damage the fruit. We let them drain, then divide into halves and remove the bones. We pass the fruit through the juicer. From water, sugar and citric acid, cook the syrup. After boiling, let him cook for about 3 minutes, then combine with juice and heat until boiling. We remove the foam and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. We prepare the dishes in advance. In a sterilized hot steam tank, pour the juice and close. Turn the jars, cover with a coverlet and let cool, then move the juice to a cool place, for example, on the balcony.

Mixing tastes

Very tasty it is possible to prepare apple-apricot juice for the winter. This is a great option if the apricot is not very much. In addition, summer varieties of apples, as a rule, are sweet and sour, they will add pleasant notes of taste to our canned food.



My fruit and, when they are drained, we disassemble the apricots into halves to extract the bones and let them pass through the juicer. Cut the apples, take out the core and squeeze the juice too. Important: before laying apples, we clean our juicer from the pulp of apricots. Apple juice is combined with apricot, what remains of apples, add to the pan, fill with water and cook after boiling for 15 minutes, filter, add sugar and heat, then pour in a mixture of juices and cook all together for about 10 minutes at the lowest heat. Digesting apple remnants, we add to our juice a lot of useful substances that are contained in the skins of apples. Ready boiling juice is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. We turn, wrap and wait for a couple of days, after which we transfer the juice to a cellar or a pantry. Do not forget to shake well before use.

If the juicer is not present

If you want to roll apricot juice for the winter, and you do not have a juicer, you can get out of the situation by using a meat grinder and a sieve. With these simple adaptations you will get a wonderful apricot juice with pulp, which can be closed for the winter, and can be used immediately.



My apricots, extract the bones and let them through the meat grinder. In boiling water we put acid and sugar, boil minutes 2 syrup and pour the ground apricots. We let the mixture stand for about 10 minutes, then we rub the mass through a sieve, pour into pans, boil for 10 minutes and roll. As you can see, everything is simple.