Nettle Shchi

Shchi - traditional Russian soup filling type with sour taste. As one of the main components of cabbage soup, cabbage cabbage, as well as sorrel and other greens are usually used.

Delicious and healthy spring soup is obtained with a young nettle. This dish is good to prepare at the cottage.

Nettle nettle grows almost everywhere in Eurasia, this plant is curative, containing many useful biologically active substances, vitamins, microelements. In particular, the nettle contains vitamin K, conducive to blood clotting, as well as a significant amount of vitamin C, vitamins E, A and B group.

Various dishes with young nettles in the places of its growth have been prepared since time immemorial.

There are many recipes for cabbage soup with nettles, possibly cooking with meat and purely vegetarian options.

Green herring of nettles with sorrel and egg



In a saucepan with a ready broth or water, lay the peeled sliced ​​vegetables: potatoes and carrots. Cook for 20 minutes after boiling (do not forget to take noise).

For the time while potatoes and carrots are cooked, we scald the nettle with boiling water (so as not to burn our hands). We will also wash the rest of the greens. Finely chop the nettle, sorrel and the rest of the greens. At the time when the potato is ready, turn off the fire, lay nettle and the rest of the crushed greenery, and also infuse 2 eggs and quickly stir intensively with a fork. Cover the lid and wait 5-8 minutes.

To boil nettle and other herbs should not be, otherwise useful substances (in particular vitamin C) will be destroyed because of the long exposure to high temperature.

Ready soup is poured into serving dishes, seasoned with black pepper and garlic. It is good to serve sour cream and black bread.

If you want to fast, exclude eggs from the recipe, you want a more satisfying - add pieces of meat on which broth was cooked (it is better that it was beef, but chicken is also possible). You can also include a mushroom with nettle mushrooms (they need very little, for example, 5 medium mushrooms). With mushrooms soup with nettles will be much more delicious.

Nettle netts with sauerkraut and fish



Nettle we will do with boiling water. We'll wash the greens.

Peeled and chopped finely potatoes and carrots, pour cold water (1 liter or slightly more) and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. You do not need to ripen the cabbage, if you did, pour a little cabbage brine or lemon juice into the pan (at the very end of the preparation, when laying the greens). Now add the sauerkraut and fish fillet, cut into small pieces and spices, into the saucepan. Cook for 5 minutes (pieces of fish fillet reach to the full readiness very quickly), turn off the fire and fall asleep in the pan finely chopped greens, including nettle leaves. Cover the lid and wait 8 minutes. Ready-made green fish soup with nettle we pour into serving dishes. Season with garlic. Of course, it is good to dress with sour cream.

Of course, the composition of such cabbage soup can include mushrooms, sorrel or lemon (it is laid in the form of lobules already in the plates).

Under the nourishing soup of nettles you can serve a glass of vodka, bitter or berry tincture.