Rahat lukum: recipe

Eastern sweetness of lukum (rahat-lokum: from the Turkish name can be translated as "convenient pieces" or "pieces of pleasure") is now very popular in many countries of the world. Recipe lukuma has been known for more than 500 years. According to various versions, this delicacy was invented in the late 18th century by the Turkish confectioner Ali Muhiddin Haji Bekir for the Turkish sultan. The ruler of the Brilliant Porta had a new delicacy to taste. Grandson of Hadji Bekir in 1897 presented the remarkable sweetness of rahat-lukum at the Brussels exhibition. Delicacy was marked with a gold medal, and enterprising hereditary confectioner concluded favorable contracts for the supply of rahat lucum to European countries. A lot of species of lucum are known. The appearance, color, taste and name depends on the filling, as well as on the shape of the pieces. For example, lukum can be in the form of cubes or figurines of animals - for children.

How to cook lukum?

In principle, cooking lukuma - a simple matter, but requiring diligence, time, attention and patience. In general, modern recipes lukuma great variety, if desired, it is not difficult to come up with a recipe, of course, following the basic technology. So, rahat-lukum, the recipe is basic, which will be especially appreciated by the villagers, garden owners, families with many children and just lovers of cooking various confectionery delicious.



We heat the water in a thick-walled saucepan (or, better, in a cauldron). We mix sugar and starch - everything must be completely dissolved. At the very low heat, with almost continuous stirring, boil the mixture for at least one and a half hours (no less, alas!). Real art, including confectionery, requires some effort. Sometimes considerable. Actually, this is the main difficulty in cooking lukuma. The resulting base ("white lokum") should be viscous, and in the cooled state it is easy to tear.

Include fantasy

Next - the fantasy of confectioners. You can add almost any fillers (mono or compositions, solid and liquid) to the still not frozen mixture, which determine the taste. For example, 150-200 grams of cocoa or melted chocolate - and get chocolate lokum. You can make a chocolate-milk mixture - this is especially popular with most children and many adults. It is good to add crushed nuts (you can use any). You can use any fruit juice and candied fruit. In the homeland of dessert, in Turkey, honeyed lucum is popular - but be careful, such a treat can turn out very sweet. The absolute proportion of any additive should not exceed 1/3 of the finished base weight. It is worth noting that Haji Bekir considered an obligatory component pink extract (you can use pink syrup, jam or essence).

Final touches

Now let the mixture cool down (for which the pan is good, you can spread it with chef's parchment paper). Sprinkle the working surface with powdered sugar and turn the baking sheet on it. Cut the frozen layer of lukuma into pieces of the desired size and we drop them in sugar powder or in coconut shavings. Well, homemade rahat-lukum is ready. This is a wonderful dessert, you can serve it with tea, coffee, karkade and similar drinks. However, do not get carried away especially - all the same sugar and starch! That's why it's better to cut onions in not too small pieces.