Birch juice is good and bad

In the spring, many families go to the forest for a drink that is surprising in its taste and properties - birch sap. This is the conditional name of the Pasoki, which in this period of the year can be obtained from a truncated birch trunk. Such a treat is available only for a short period of time, from April to May, until the buds are dissolved. On the benefits and harm of birch sap should be learned in advance, because, despite the unique composition, this drink is not allowed to all.

Composition and properties of birch sap

The birch sap is unique not only because of its origin (it is juice obtained from wood!), But also by its composition. In the dissolved form, enzymes, fruit sugar, organic acids, vitamins , as well as a number of trace elements - sodium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper and potassium - are found in the diet.

It is thanks to this composition that birch sap can be used in the spring as a restorative, immunomodulating complex that helps to cope with fatigue, drowsiness, poor working capacity and irritability.

What is useful for birch sap?

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of birch sap can be used not only for fortifying purposes. For example, it can be used for the following purposes:

Birch sap is a universal medicine for the human body, and with the help of it you can conquer many ailments.

Birch Juice for Weight Loss

To reduce weight birch juice has been used for a long time, because it allows for effective increase metabolism and achieve faster results with a diet. In addition, due to its toning properties, low-calorie nutrition will be easier to tolerate.

You can take it in different ways: either half a glass half an hour before meals for a month, while it is available, or a glass 2-3 times a day instead of mid-morning snack and other snacks.

Contraindications to the use of birch sap

Birch sap can harm only the topic is strictly contraindicated - people suffering from urolithiasis and those who suffer from stomach ulcers. In addition, it should not be used for allergy to pollen and individual intolerance.