Kizil - useful properties and contraindications

Dogwood is a shrub or a small tree that has been known since ancient times. Its eponymous fruits can be used not only as a delicious dessert, but also as a preventive agent that can protect the body from a mass of diseases and disorders. From this article you will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of dogwood.

Dogwood composition

Kizil is incredibly rich in useful substances. It contains a lot of glucose, fructose , organic acids, tannins and nitrogenous substances, flavonoids, essential oils and phytoncides. In addition, in large quantities, vitamins C and PP are present. The composition also contains minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

Thanks to this rich composition, the dogwood is recommended for regular use throughout the whole season, which makes it possible to enrich the body with useful substances that have a general strengthening and immunomodulating effect.

Caloric content of dogwood

Like all berries, this option is quite easy. Caloric content depends on the variety, ripeness and even the region in which it was harvested. If we consider the average, then 100 grams of dogwood account for 40 - 44 calories.

Useful properties of cornelian

Kizil - a berry, useful in various cases. Consider in which cases the use of such a dessert can significantly improve health:

This berry has a lot of positive properties, but it is important to apply it correctly, because it is contraindicated for some people.

Berries of a dogwood for weight loss

Do not expect a miracle - just by including the cornelian in your diet, you will not get rid of excess weight . But this is an excellent auxiliary, which enhances the metabolism, and thus allows proper nutrition and sport to be more effective. It is enough to eat a whole glass of berries for a mid-morning snack or a second breakfast to see the result soon.

Contra indications of dogwood

Refuse to use dogwood is for those who have a tendency to constipation, increased acidity of the stomach or weak nervous system, as well as increased excitability. Since cornelian has strong toning properties, it is not recommended to use it for an hour or less before sleeping.